Even Augustus Gloop ain't safe (Dahl being censored)

Books get revised all the time to represent what is 'acceptable'. You know that right?

Weird, when I suggested a certain book being updated to make it less offensive my post got deleted! So I guess it doesn't happen alllll the time.
And imagine if they wanted the choice of non racist/colonial books of the same story/theme? Where removing such connotations literally left the story precisely in tact.

Who are these parents? Apart from the internet I've met precisely zero people who think like this. And they could choose any of the literally tens of thousands of childrens books released since the (say) the 90's to ensure their little ones don't grow up to be fascists/white supremacists/Tories;) etc etc
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b) Well done for missing the point that the publisher is, in reality, being forced to change a product against their will.
Is this evidenced or this just like, your opinion, man?

Who’s forcing them? The government?

“In reality”? In actual reality, rather than the one you’re making up… they’re not actually being forced to do anything are they?
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Is this evidenced or this just like, your opinion, man?

Who’s forcing them? The government?

“In reality”? In actual reality, rather than the one you’re making up… they’re not actually being forced to do anything are they?

A shrill hysterical minority. Man.
Who are these parents? Apart from the internet I've met precisely zero people who think like this. And they could choose any of the literally tens of thousands of childrens books released since the (say) the 90's to ensure their little ones don't grow up to be fascists/white supremacists/Tories;) etc etc
You only have to read a few books to realise how outdated their stories or 'filler words' are. Take Cinderella for example, the original book has three balls. Who has time for that?
Hysteria like this? :cry:

How is this different (apart from by the degree) to the Taliban blowing up statues/defacing works of art etc that are 'problematic' to their belief system?
Absolutely. It can also fairly rapidly progress from someone deciding they don't like a specific demographic mentioned to someone else deciding said demographic shouldn't exist.
The retrospective changing of text to eliminate wrongthink/certain language, is EXACTLY the playbook of 1984, although it seems many are too low IQ to actually recognise what is going on here. I find it quite frightening people can be SO easily manipulated. Then again, just look at Russia, it's AMAZING what the government/powers that be can get regular people to think and believe. My god, people have literally given up thinking for themselves. I would be embarrassed to be using the buzzword salad highlighted above.


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I grew up on a diet of books by Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton, Richard Crompton and many others. God help me I even read Biggles. How I survived that to become a reasonable balanced adult I have no idea.
Did'nt the 1970's cartoon version of Watership Down get slated recently? To be fair though - that was brutal. That probably did scar me when I saw it as a kid.
I see zero connection between Roald Dahl despising Israel and modern editors erasing every use of the adjectives "fat" and "skinny" and "black".
I’m thinking it’s easier to read malice into the use of certain words when you know the person using them is a bit of a ****. I don’t support this kind of editing but I can understand why they would be overzealous. Better to nerf your products but still have them in schools, libraries etc. In a year’s time kids will still read them and no one will care.

Let’s also be clear that he was openly critical of Jewish people, not Israel, despite his later attempt at rowing back.
A shrill hysterical minority. Man.

To which businesses pay absolutely no attention to, ever, unless it gets enough wider traction to effect their bottom-line.

And not that I've looked into this too hard, but I'd suggest the shrill, hysterical minority you're alluding to here are trained, education professionals who have threatened to stop buying Dahl books unless they're suitably edited to conform to wider protocols regarding bulling and acceptable language and attitudes at schools, who I'd also suggest have a greater insight into the minds of children and how media shapes their behaviour, than you or I.

I hate to break it to you, but in that context, people complaining about what's happening are the shrill, hysterical minority, man.
To which businesses pay absolutely no attention to, ever, unless it gets enough wider traction to effect their bottom-line.
You really havent been paying attention have you - business are terrified of falling foul of the hysterical minority and hence will pre-empt in any way they can to avoid doing so. You want to know what that looks like - ask JK Rowling.
And not that I've looked into this too hard....
I suspect you've looked into it far too hard but anyway....

....but I'd suggest the shrill, hysterical minority you're alluding to here are trained, education professionals who have threatened to stop buying Dahl books unless they're suitably edited to conform to wider protocols regarding bulling and acceptable language and attitudes at schools, who I'd also suggest have a greater insight into the minds of children and how media shapes their behaviour, than you or I.
And what exactly is it that these 'trained educational professionals' (or you, for that matter) think is going to happen if a child reads an unedited version of Matilda?
And who are they? Where's the research suggesting if a child reads the word 'fat' in a book they are going to grow up to be what exactly?

I hate to break it to you, but in that context, people complaining about what's happening are the shrill, hysterical minority, man.

Nope. Let me spell it out for you. You and people like you are the shrill hysterical minority. Most people find Roald Dahl's books to be completely innocuous. Huge numbers have read and enjoyed them - he's one of the most successful childrens authors of all time.

Have you actually read any of them (I suspect not) - what exactly offended you so horribly?

And seriously - let me ask this again. What do you think is going to happen if a child reads an unedited version of Matilda?
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