Ever left your work PC unlocked?

Last place I worked was financial services, leave your workstation unlocked and you can be on disciplinary.
No. Against government data rules.

Although at highschool I found a floppy with a spreadsheet on it in one the machines in class one day - every single username and password for the pupils.

Used that to go in to my mates login, emailed a few teachers about his undying love for them etc...

needless to say it caused some ammusement. Although, the school never did refresh/replace the passwords so it looks like the IT dept didn't want to admit to losing the unencrypted data in the first place.

Ah they were the days...
I can tell you exactly what happened to Burnsey when he left his PC unlocked at work.....

This thread!


And a Facebook update. Quite tame really, but there is a culture of what goes around, comes around at work, and I don't want to be the next victim :)
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In the new job machine is always locked when away from my desk as we get in a bit of doo doo if we don't!
Religiously Win+L as soon as I get out of my chair at work. If I see anyone with patient data or PACS images (digital x-rays) left unattended on screen then they get a disciplinary, do it again and they get a written warning, once more and they're gone
A direct cut and paste of the last one sent to my boss when I left myself logged in....


Due to changes that are happening in my body I would like to enquire if ******* would help and contribute to the sex change I have been craving, this would allow me to ask the true love of my life, Steve to marry me.

Love and Kisses to you all

Danny (Danielle)


It's fair to say our place is a bit of a nightmare for this and I'm normally pretty carefull to check I've logged off. A current fav at the minute is to change shortcuts to meatspin (I won't provide a direct link, you have been warned) so when someone goes to open up email they get the mentioned website.

Or the desktop backgrounds are changed to a picture of someone giving a donkey oral relief.

All very childish and in my last job that would get you a diciplinary, even circulating a joke about say scousers would get you a written warning.

My current place is open season, anything goes.
tend to lock my PC at work but if I don't its not a big issue as to access any accounts I need to log into a totally separate system and I also don't use facebook so never get any grief off that, which is more than I can say for a few of my colleagues. One of the people I work with gets fraped every other week because she doesn't lock her PC.

Only thing that's happened to me though is I didn't have a lock on my phone a while ago so someone got on it and sent a message to everyone on my contacts from my mum and girlfriend to my boss saying

"I'm sorry, I cant do this any more, I've decided to stop hiding my secret and pronounce to everyone im gay! sorry for any hardship this may cause but I just cant hide my feelings any more."

Kinda awkward....ohh and they also went on my Phones browser and put a picture of 'Blue Waffle' as my wallpaper :/

Quickly learned to put a lock on my phone after that.
Often at uni on facebook I've had my mate confess to being gay thousands of time. It's annoying when it happens to me and I get updates from "Spanish gay men" or similar when I'm on facebook on my phone a couple of days later!
This can be a lifesaver if a game has crashed and alt-tabbing doesn't work

Winkey + L, then type in your password, then press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC for Task Manager

Since discovering this, I've never had to restart a pc when it becomes unresponsive

Doesn't Ctrl+Alt+Del have a higher Kernel priority than Win+L?
I'm pretty sure Ctrl+Alt+Del is meant to be a top-level interrupt...

At Uni i used to lock my laptop religiously when i left it/the room, but at home or elsewhere i don't really need to.
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