A direct cut and paste of the last one sent to my boss when I left myself logged in....
Due to changes that are happening in my body I would like to enquire if ******* would help and contribute to the sex change I have been craving, this would allow me to ask the true love of my life, Steve to marry me.
Love and Kisses to you all
Danny (Danielle)
It's fair to say our place is a bit of a nightmare for this and I'm normally pretty carefull to check I've logged off. A current fav at the minute is to change shortcuts to meatspin (I won't provide a direct link, you have been warned) so when someone goes to open up email they get the mentioned website.
Or the desktop backgrounds are changed to a picture of someone giving a donkey oral relief.
All very childish and in my last job that would get you a diciplinary, even circulating a joke about say scousers would get you a written warning.
My current place is open season, anything goes.