Ever Thought You Were Going to Die?

Trust me don't even try suicide, it hurts like ****! It feels like you have a bubble around you, when people are talking to you it just seems like buzzing. I tried on the tuesday morning and I can't really remember anything until thursday mid-morning, it is seriously scary.
I have lost nearly a stone and a half because I am not hungry and I feel ill if i do eat!
I get an average 3-4 hours sleep a night, I have managed to stop the crying all day and now I am looking to the future and what I can achieve.
Talk to her, if you can't write a letter, bit ponsy but it might just work.
Hope it helps. :)
Might be better if you two took it to MSN.

Some of the stuff you're discussing is very personal and also you are derailing the thread a bit :)

Stan :)
Only time I have ever thought I was going to die was when I got this really bad headache... like the worst migrane I have ever had in my life... Turned out I had encephalitis and did well almost die... Can't really remember it much now but apparently at the time I wasnt in a good way!
megzy said:
Trust me don't even try suicide, it hurts like ****! It feels like you have a bubble around you, when people are talking to you it just seems like buzzing. I tried on the tuesday morning and I can't really remember anything until thursday mid-morning, it is seriously scary.
I have lost nearly a stone and a half because I am not hungry and I feel ill if i do eat!
I get an average 3-4 hours sleep a night, I have managed to stop the crying all day and now I am looking to the future and what I can achieve.
Talk to her, if you can't write a letter, bit ponsy but it might just work.
Hope it helps. :)

Thanks :)
I know what you meen about the feeling ill if you eat.
Your suicide attempt sounds like the feeling i get when i get concusion or been laid flat out in soccer.
Im not planning on Suicide btw. Thoughts of it have gone through my head by ive got no desire to act on them.
Ive tryed Emailing her, txting her and even talking to her on msn. But every time it seems like we are getting somewhere she starts getting all agressive and hurtfull again and blocks me out ot pushes me away.
Im not sure what to do really, im running out of things to say or do.
Shes being completly unreasonable. I cant bring my self to give up though :(
Bigstan said:
Might be better if you two took it to MSN.

Some of the stuff you're discussing is very personal and also you are derailing the thread a bit :)

Stan :)

Ok, sorry.
If you dont mind megzy can have your msn address?

To add to this topic. Ive felt like i was going to die lots of times.
Ive been stuck under water.
Fallen off great hights.
Had injurys from soccer that made me feel like i was just going to drop dead from the pain.
And im only 17. Many more to go i guess
A mate and I almost bought it last night. Had a flat tyre which we were changing (on a narrow side road) when a driver nearly drove into us. He seemed to be driving wide to avoid us, but guess he panicked when another car pulled in to the road and he swerved into us. It was pretty late too, around 2am.
Way to go derailing the thread.

Do we really need to know how people have tried to commit suicide in a thread about having lucky escapes?

Anyway..... The only near death experience that I can think of is one time when I was about 5 and in the field behind my house we were all digging a tunnel from one end to the other for some strange reason. I was inside the tunnel digging which was about 3 metres long at the time and all of a sudden it decided to collapse on me....luckily my friend's dad managed ot get me out pretty quickly.

I've never wanted to become a miner since.
I was once on a garage roof and was marking a scribe line onto a piece of plastic sofit board above me so that it would fit to the rough stone wall perfectly. I was looking up at it while i was marking it and was slowly sidestepping as i was marking. I stupidly assumed the garage was the same length as the house, and didnt bother looking where i was going. I sidestepped again but my foot was in mid air and i suddenly fell. Luckily my uber micro reactions enabled me to grab onto a window ledge and somehow supported my bodyweight. If i would have fallen there was an old iron spiked fence below :eek: .

megzy said:
Yeah sure, how do I give it to you without this lot getting it! lol! :p

Post it quickly. Then wait until i add you then you edit your post :)

To add to this thread i can remember walking down near a river slipping in and i couldnt get out again. Thank god someone was with me to pull me out
GT3 said:
When I'd just passed my test last year, the back end of my car lost grip at over 90mph round a bend. Somehow managed to recover it and with such little driving experience I really don't know how I did. But if I had hit anything at that speed I would almost certainly be dead. :rolleyes: and :eek: just about sum that up.

I did something very similar expect i didn't hold it and well car was a write off and the police were amazed that anyone could have survived let alone with no injuries.
I also nearly died when i was leaning on a pen and it slipped and cut right down the top of my mouth and just stopped before getting to the soft tissue at the back, that was luck, i must have been about 8.
The worst scare was when i was still in the removals bussiness, nearly had a head on crash with another lorry that was really scary. The driver locked up the brakes and just managed to get out the way, it was really damn lucky we were empty.
I was at a mates birthday party. He has hired out the swimming pool and we had all sorts of massive floats etc. Naturally wargames of pirates ensued at that age and we fought to increase our ships size. I ended up in the water rather unexpectedly on one of the incoming raids. I hadnt really drawn a breath and somehow managed to dive in quite far. My bodies reaction was to still draw a breath when the strangest sensation of water hit my mouth i forced myself not and propelled upwards. I was ready to take that much needed gasp of fresh air when i hit the surface. However, i had unfortunately swam upwards underneath one of the floats. I tried to push it, but with people on top and water all around those things form a vacuum and even with my adrenaline fueled strength couldnt do anything. Thats when it hit me, ive got to breath and im just going to get water.. my body wanted to shutdown when i just remember thinking this is not it.. not like this. So i used everything i had left to get out to the side of the float grasping at the underneath. Reaching the surface and that air was like nothing ive experienced.

I went and laid down on the side after that and watched everyone else for a few minutes. No one else ever knew, and i went back to playing pirates soon after.
I had a few times where I dived without a proper breathing beforehand and on the way up my co2 levels where stressing me out :D But other than that nah.
When I was about 7 or 8, before I could swim, I cycled into Edinburgh Canal!

I had cycled ahead of my Mum & Dad, and was doing well until I came to cross the aqauduct(I think). The path became narrow with no grass verge between it and the canal, I slowed down, wobbled, and splash!

I'm not sure I was old enough to appreciate the fact that I might be about to die, I just know I was glad when Dad, who is no great swimmer himself, jumped in to pull me out.

I learnt to swim after that!

Oh, and apparently there was a fairly real chance of losing me when my massive skull got wedged in Mum's dainty pelvis on the way out, but I don't remember much about that!
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Climbing snowdonia up the Watkin Path. Near the top it gets very steep and theres lots of gravel and shale... I took a step up on a protruding rock and the wind rushed in at that exact moment and pushed me backwards. I slipped off the rock but amazingly I managed to land on another solid piece of ground.}

Another few inches and i would have been comtemplating the ground rushing towards me from 700ft or more away.

Its especially scary thinking about it now as in the last 2 months at least 2 people have died near that part of Snowdonia due to falling!

Tree landed in front of me, few seconds later I would have been under it - that was pretty interesting.

Erm, almost got head-on'd by an Audi after hitting diesel...that was pretty close.

Almost skied over a vertical drop once too :(

Bout it I think. Must live life too easily :D
Lying at the side of the road with one half of my femur sticking out of my thigh (after being catapulted off my moterbike by a WOMAN driver) I thought I was going to bleed to death.
About 20 years ago I was high up on the roof applying Aquaseal to my dodgy slates, until I slipped. I whizzed head first down the roof on this black tar like Aquaseal. As I went over the edge I managed to grab the guttering which turned me round slightly so I flew downwards sort of sideways landing on the fence. This broke my fall (and a couple of ribs) as it crumpled into a pile of wood. It still gives me the shivers after all this time.

Staring down the barrels of 4 SA-80s wasn't that fun either, didn't think I was going to die, I was just very, very, very still.

Well if you will wander round the streets of South Armagh at 3 in the morning carrying 2 sodding great holdalls. :)
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