Ever Thought You Were Going to Die?

lol i dont know where too start, i fell thru a glass table got large pieces of glass thru my leg passed out due to blood loss.
head butted spikes and was hanging by my head,
nearly went into a truck full of barrels of beer.
car sliding at 60mph sidewards towards a truck.
a truck parked on red lines had a poles sticking out which went thru my window into my seat.
Nearly when into a truck cabin when the car landed after a jump.
Nearly went off a cliff in my mates car.
Friends car got stuck on a tree thought i was gonna die while the car flew in the air heading towards the tree.
Chased by a guy with a butchers knife down the street.
theres lots more but these are the ones i thought omg iam not gonna make it.
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crashuk said:
lol i dont know where too start, i fell thru a glass table got large pieces of glass thru my leg passed out due to blood loss.
head butted spikes and was hanging by my head,
nearly went into a truck full of barrels of beer.
car sliding at 60mph sidewards towards a truck.
a truck parked on red lines had a poles sticking out which went thru my window into my seat.
Nearly when into a truck cabin when the car landed after a jump.
Nearly went off a cliff in my mates car.
Friends car go stuck on a tree thought i was gonna die while the car flew in the air heading towards the tree.
Chased by a guy with a butchers knife down the street.
theres lots more but these are the ones i thought omg iam not gonna make it.

Maybe you should stay away from cars :p
gord said:
I was at a mates birthday party. He has hired out the swimming pool and we had all sorts of massive floats etc. Naturally wargames of pirates ensued at that age and we fought to increase our ships size. I ended up in the water rather unexpectedly on one of the incoming raids. I hadnt really drawn a breath and somehow managed to dive in quite far. My bodies reaction was to still draw a breath when the strangest sensation of water hit my mouth i forced myself not and propelled upwards. I was ready to take that much needed gasp of fresh air when i hit the surface. However, i had unfortunately swam upwards underneath one of the floats. I tried to push it, but with people on top and water all around those things form a vacuum and even with my adrenaline fueled strength couldnt do anything. Thats when it hit me, ive got to breath and im just going to get water.. my body wanted to shutdown when i just remember thinking this is not it.. not like this. So i used everything i had left to get out to the side of the float grasping at the underneath. Reaching the surface and that air was like nothing ive experienced.

I went and laid down on the side after that and watched everyone else for a few minutes. No one else ever knew, and i went back to playing pirates soon after.

The exact same thing happened to me but i didn't manage to get out myself just the float thing moved and i was able to get to the surface and finally breathe again. The thing is it put me off being around floats but i still went back swimming just made sure i was completely away from the floats
Hmmm, don't think I've ever been that near to death (touches wood frantically) although I've had a few narrow escapes while driving that could have been nasty. Once a girl pulled out of a side road without looking and smashed me into oncoming traffic - fortunately I wasn't going that fast so nobody was badly hurt.

I was also half way across a pedestrian crossing once and a taxi went straight through the red light - fortunately I was just crossing the other half.

I wonder, though, how many times we've been near to death and not even realised it? How many "just another second later..." type moments have we had and been totally obvious to them? Scary :eek:
I've had a few near death experiences, in order of occurance:

1. Aged about 6. Tried to unplug a plug at a friends house that had no back on it. Strange sensation of having 240v pulse through ones body.

2. Aged about 11. Swimming with a few mates at the mouth of a river in Australia. Very strange currents with the river flowing into the sea and the sea waves coming in. Spent all my energy trying to get to the river bank, luckily I happened across a sand bank in the middle.

3. Aged about 13. Thrown of a ride at a theme park.

4. Aged about 23. Head on collision with a car on a national speed limit road. Very strange seeing two headlights heading right for you, almost a feeling of disbelief and then 'this is it'. Followed by 'owwww Mummy'. :)
Fell from a 3rd floor balcony straight on to a large metal grate and then proceeded to have an out of body experience :D

Took a panic attack once whilst walking up the stairs in my house. Fell onto my hands and knees and tried my hardest to take a breath but nothing was happening. For some reason I decided not to get too stressed over it and found myself relaxing and lying down on the floor at the top of the landing. Next thing I know I'm breathing :D
ToastedCheese said:
I've had a few near death experiences, in order of occurance:

3. Aged about 13. Thrown of a ride at a theme park.

Thats one of the things i really dont wanna think about when i'm at a fair. Care to explain how it happened? :)
The first time I nearly killed myself I was in Spain, I was climbing, alone, with no equipment up some huge cliff face - just cos I enjoy that kind of thing, I was suspended by my arms shuffling along a ledge and there were no where for my feet to go as what I was using suddenly crubled away! I had to let my self drop about 5 feet onto the worlds tiniets ledge and pray I got a grip on the rock. Needless to say I did, 30 foot drop if i'd have missed though! Pretty good rush though! :)

The next time I was driving through some tight and twisty country lanes at about 4 in the morning - A crazy suicidal deer ran out and in the process of missing it I slid the car through an open gate and into a field, 1 meter earlier or later I would have hit a dry stone wall :eek:

Not really had any other interesting close calls, though at one point I did feel the urge to top myself, thankfully common sense took hold though - lived to post another day! Hmmm time for some semi sobering music now, Damien Rice...

EDIT: On my dirt bike I once hit a pot hole and flew a good distance into a fence - I was ok till the bike caught up!
Oh I forgot to say, I've been hit by a car before, crossing the road. I remember having a "life flashing before my eyes" moment as I was in mid air. Don't really remember much after that - however I walked away with a severe amount of bruising down the side of my body and a medium concussion. To this day I only have the witness reports describing what happened.

I must have a been a cat in my previous life... :o
Ohh just remembered 2 more when i saw all these electric shock posts. I was painting my mums landing and hall and had to remove sum pictures. She had only knocked 3 picture hooks in a line into a light switch power cable :eek: , i got a shock and it felt weird but i managed to pull my hand away quick as lightning. Another time i was angry about something and punched a light switch. i tried turning it on and my finger slipped as id just washed my hands and as i was mad i thought to my self "you will turn on dammit" and punched it. Unlucky for me i didn't know my own strength and the light switch shattered and i got a nasty shock.

Once, when I slipped over backwards and winded myself. I got up and tried to breath out, and didn't realise that I'd been winded (so there was no air to breath out) - I paniced and thought I'd damaged my lungs... then breathed in again :D
neoboy said:
Had a few near misses, most of them happened while I was very young:

Ate some non friendly washing powder when was about 18 months, quick stomach pump saved me.

When was 4 got electrecuted with full 220, my dad was fixing a socket and being a curious boy I was sitting next to him as soon as he turned his head when the door bell rang for some reason I decided to stick my fingers in the socket (it was taken apart so it was basicaly wires sticking out and a few bits of metal).

Around same age I was staying at my nanna's house and had a cough. She was working in a mental insitution so had some powerful drugs in the house. She didn't have her glasses on so picked up a tablet thinkig it was paracetamol and gave it to me. I calmed down and went to sleep. What actually happened is that I fell into comma and my heart was slowing down. She gave me some drug that's used to calm mental patients down by loweing the blood pressure in the skull (by slowing the heart). Being a 4 year old I didn't take it well and my heart almost stopped but doctors practically saved me in the nick of time by pumping plasma into me or something like that.

When was around 11 was playing coppers and robbers with my mates on bicycles. I was a robber and my mate who was a cop was hot on my tail and as I was riding between 2 trees I suddenly was looking at the sky trying to breath and then saw my mate ride over me (well braking too he didn't exactly want to run me over). Turns out someone thought it would be funny to place a wire between 2 trees and I hit it right with my neck. Being a gung ho teenager didn't think much of it at a time and just picked up my bike and kept riding but if I was riding a bit faster I could've broke my windpipe or my neck.

Also fell from trees and other high points a few times oh and nearly drowned in a bath when was a few montsh old. What I find strange is with all my injuries and scars I have never broke a bone (had a hairline crack in my right foot once though). Also come to think of it I now know why my mum was so protective of me when I was younger.

How are you still alive? lol :D

I have had a few near death experiences, two of them when I was fairly young. The first one involved me being dared by one of my friends to eat a leaf from a bush in my garden, which I did. A couple of hours later I told my Mum, who then panicked and asked me which bush I had eaten the leaf from. Cue my Mum racing me to the hospital to have the antidote to the poisonous leaf I had eaten. I don’t know if it could have killed me, but my Mum seemed fairly worried.

We use to live next to the River Trent in a small village and I use to go out and play near the river (I was always told not to). One day the tide was low and I thought it would be nice to walk out into the river and get close to what water there was.
This seemed like a great idea at the time, until I realised that the bottom of a river is very muddy and a bit like quick sand. I had got about 6ft out when I became stuck, as you can imagine, I started to panic a lot. Luckily, my older brother was also out and spotted me stuck in the river. He got some of his mates together to form a chain to pull me out.

My last experience was about 5 years ago on the M6 with my Dad. We were in the outside lane just about to overtake a lorry, which itself was overtaking a couple of Range Rovers towing burger bars. Just as we started to overtake, the lorry swerved out into the outside lane and then back across to the slow lane. The rear of the lorry hit the front of our car sending us into a spin. The lorry then hit the Range Rovers side on pushing them into the hard shoulder. We eventually stopped just behind the lorry and just sat there looking in disbelief at what had just happened, speechless.
That was probably the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and I really thought there was a good chance of me being injured or killed. Amazingly, after all that nobody was hurt and we just had to wait for the Police to turn up.
ToastedCheese said:
Aged about 6. Tried to unplug a plug at a friends house that had no back on it. Strange sensation of having 240v pulse through ones body.

If we’re counting electric shocks ive probably had about 15-20 near death experiences. I normally have about 2 a year
At 11pm one night the bulb went in my room.

I went downstairs, grabbed a new bulb, went in my room, could have sworn I'd turned the light off at the switch. Climbed up, removed the popped bulb. Before fitting the new one I noticed a huge amount of dust had gathered around the copper fitting. I decided to poke it out with my finger.

I felt a very warm sensation and then woke up on the floor, the otherside of the room at 5am. I had bruises down my back where I'd been jolted against the wall.

Don't know if I was actually close to death during the shock or afterwards, but I'm thankful that I'm still here anyway.
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