Ever Thought You Were Going to Die?

Collapsed on a routine shopping trip whilst being alone. Came too with all blood on my face and a load of other shoppers around me. I had landed on my head. Ambulance whisked me off 2 hospital where it was discovered I had a pulminory embolism . I am now on medical treatment for the rest of my life. My right leg-around the ankle area is now screwed for life :mad:
gord said:
I was at a mates birthday party. He has hired out the swimming pool and we had all sorts of massive floats etc. Naturally wargames of pirates ensued at that age and we fought to increase our ships size. I ended up in the water rather unexpectedly on one of the incoming raids. I hadnt really drawn a breath and somehow managed to dive in quite far. My bodies reaction was to still draw a breath when the strangest sensation of water hit my mouth i forced myself not and propelled upwards. I was ready to take that much needed gasp of fresh air when i hit the surface. However, i had unfortunately swam upwards underneath one of the floats. I tried to push it, but with people on top and water all around those things form a vacuum and even with my adrenaline fueled strength couldnt do anything. Thats when it hit me, ive got to breath and im just going to get water.. my body wanted to shutdown when i just remember thinking this is not it.. not like this. So i used everything i had left to get out to the side of the float grasping at the underneath. Reaching the surface and that air was like nothing ive experienced.

I went and laid down on the side after that and watched everyone else for a few minutes. No one else ever knew, and i went back to playing pirates soon after.

I've got deja-vu :D;)
dont think i have ever had any near death experiences.
though i wont forget the fear that ran through me when my bf (now an ex) threatened me with a knife about a month ago oh and also the time he was strangling me, he was trying to force me to answer him and i couldnt say it so his grip got tighter. i felt so dizzy afterwards and couldnt breath properly.

on another note, my mum was still born. they put her down to go see to my nan when a nurse suddenly saw her move and got a doctor.
secretspy said:
dont think i have ever had any near death experiences.
though i wont forget the fear that ran through me when my bf (now an ex) threatened me with a knife about a month ago oh and also the time he was strangling me, he was trying to force me to answer him and i couldnt say it so his grip got tighter. i felt so dizzy afterwards and couldnt breath properly.

on another note, my mum was still born. they put her down to go see to my nan when a nurse suddenly saw her move and got a doctor.
My sisters boyfriend was a bit like that minus the knife, she had to get a restraining order.

Yes, and no. I was a little, erm, 'out of it' at the time so I didn't really think about it. Hypothermia ***. :(
3 times and all from me being stupid.

1st. Nearly got swept out to sea while on holiday in Cornwall when I was about 14.

2nd. Dabbling with shall we say a “controlled substance” and it had a bit of a weird affect on me. I woke up in hospital 24 hours later with my parents watching over me and a copper waiting to arrest me:D.

3rd. Put my Clio 16v down an embankment at about 70mph whilst exiting an island a bit too enthusiastically
Had a few near misses, most of them happened while I was very young:

Ate some non friendly washing powder when was about 18 months, quick stomach pump saved me.

When was 4 got electrecuted with full 220, my dad was fixing a socket and being a curious boy I was sitting next to him as soon as he turned his head when the door bell rang for some reason I decided to stick my fingers in the socket (it was taken apart so it was basicaly wires sticking out and a few bits of metal).

Around same age I was staying at my nanna's house and had a cough. She was working in a mental insitution so had some powerful drugs in the house. She didn't have her glasses on so picked up a tablet thinkig it was paracetamol and gave it to me. I calmed down and went to sleep. What actually happened is that I fell into comma and my heart was slowing down. She gave me some drug that's used to calm mental patients down by loweing the blood pressure in the skull (by slowing the heart). Being a 4 year old I didn't take it well and my heart almost stopped but doctors practically saved me in the nick of time by pumping plasma into me or something like that.

When was around 11 was playing coppers and robbers with my mates on bicycles. I was a robber and my mate who was a cop was hot on my tail and as I was riding between 2 trees I suddenly was looking at the sky trying to breath and then saw my mate ride over me (well braking too he didn't exactly want to run me over). Turns out someone thought it would be funny to place a wire between 2 trees and I hit it right with my neck. Being a gung ho teenager didn't think much of it at a time and just picked up my bike and kept riding but if I was riding a bit faster I could've broke my windpipe or my neck.

Also fell from trees and other high points a few times oh and nearly drowned in a bath when was a few montsh old. What I find strange is with all my injuries and scars I have never broke a bone (had a hairline crack in my right foot once though). Also come to think of it I now know why my mum was so protective of me when I was younger.
I nearly drowned when I was about 6 or 7 - I was alone in a swimming pool, I couldn't swim but enjoyed going (dad was sitting at the side watching me) and there was a wave machine - I ended up getting pulled in too far and I couldn't get my feet on the floor, ended up grabbing a random woman who helped me back to shallow water.

It put such a fear into me that I never learnt to swim until I was 15/16 and even now I'm not a very strong swimmer and can get very nervous if I feel I'm getting too far away from shallow water or something to grab on to.
Luckily I float quite well so I try to use that to calm any nervousness I feel building.
Only once, when I was quite young I was on a family outing to the Forest of Dean with another family we knew very well. A friend and I wandered off on our own, sure we knew where we were going and very quickly realised we were utterly lost. We ended up walking about aimlessly for a while before managing to stumble across a road which we followed back to civilisation but it could easily have turned out much worse. When we finally found our families it was obvious they'd been worried sick and on the verge of calling out the emergency services to find us.
Dave said:
"Les monde" doesn't make sense - should be "le monde" :)

Odd, I watched a French film which was the inspiration for the sig. On a massive street poster it said what it says in my sig, with the subtitle translation of "The World is Yours".

Maybe it's right in another context? My French isn't too good, so I don't know.

When i was younger on holiday i seen something in the sea while swimming that resembled the shape of a sting ray. That was me straight off but later i saw it again and it was a big clump of rope and stuff. Looked realistic though :o
Er, twice I think, I was 15, had half a bottle of vodka, passed out, my gf was with me, woke up much later to find out i'd stop breathing for ages, had been declared clinically dead, but then I started breathing again and I was fine. It was mid winter, temperature was below zero and had affected my asthma and thus had an attack, stopped breathing etc. Either way, still go out drinking regardless and i'm definitely not dead.

Second time I did the idiotic thing of crossing a road without looking, some huge lorry was speeding down this narrow road and my mate literaly had to jump out and knock me to the ground.

Edit: Had lots of other mishaps however, never broken a bone though, fractured a rib in a moshpit though. My 6 foot 6 friend thought it'd be funny to pick me up and just chuck me in, needless to say, it hurt.

Oh actually there was this one time when I was camping in Germany and this mental german guy started beating me and my friend up with a baseball bat, that was scary as hell.
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17 times I have felt this. This is because 17 times I have lobbed myself out of a nice and safe aeroplane. Then just as I was about to die, a parachute opened each and every time. How about that, I'm sure I saw a light too (or was that the sun?).
When I was 13 I nearly drowned in a swimming pool... I still can't swim! And another time I drank so much the next day I thought my heart was going to explode, but turns out that's sorta normal.
Other than that, there's plenty of times I nearly fell from somewhere high up but as it was a split-second thing I never really had time to think "wow, I'm going to die" as much as I thought "wow, that was a close one."
Mountain biking in France, going along the edge of the moutain/cliff top and there was a cut into the side of the mountain which was about 6ft across, easily jumpable, which I did fine. On the return though I misjudged the jump, and the back wheel caught on the inside edge of the ravine edge - I try to get my foot down on the edge to catch my balance but the rear wheel of the bike slips and the sprockets dug into my shins (which bloody hurt), and I slipped and fell. The ravine was 1500ft down. I landed on a plateau 3m down.... Needless to say I was ******** myself when I look over the edge of the plateau to see the distance below me...

I've had numerous Bike moments, Skydiving moments, falling off high things panic moments, out of trees, I was nearly shot, I got hyperthermia and lost conciousness, I almost drowned twice and had lots of other similar experiences - it would take an essay to write them all... I've become a lot more careful as I've grown older though. However, I still thrive off adrelanine - a bit of a junky on that.

I really should take out a life insurance policy... :o
I thought I was going to die when I was screaming down the road on the bike and someone pulled out of nowhere. I was so glad that I had braided brake pipes on

Yes, my fault. I've grown up since.
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