Ever used your car to pull a bird?

merlin said:
I can imagine agw holding some poor lasses face up against the cylinder head "SEE!!!?? SEE THAT - HEAD GASKET IN TACT B****!, NOW GO TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW" :mad:


AHAHAHAHHAHA, so true ,AGW likes the chav girls as well. :)
Mine seems to attract lots of looks 14 year old chav-ettes. Still, that's better than nothing... :o
Enfield said:
What about you then, Merlin?

You have a sexy car!

Same as Drex - just school girls come up to the car, tbh it's a bit embarassing. I just want to get away from them - 34 yr old chatting to school girls about my car is well dodgy.

They're cheeky as **** though - ask for a ride, ask for a lift home and all "dont worry - my mates can walk home". Unbelievable. If my daughter grows up to do that I'll break her neck.
Gilly said:

It was probably more becuase of you as a person than the fact you drive a Renault Clio.

The girls love my car but only becuase:

a) They know nothing about cars
b) It's shiney so they think its new (there are only two types of car, NEW and OLD)
c) It has leather seats

I could probably acheive exactly the same effect with a polished, clean F reg Cavalier Diplomat.
You wouldnt mate, a cav is "boxey", and "boxey" = old :) I have it first hand when i suggested a cavalier to fern.

Girls like your car because with RSAP its nice and rounded and shiney etc
Yeah when I got my black MR2 I had someone say "omg you got to give me a ride in it, it's so shiney"

I didnt think it differed to my Rev1 that much. :p
merlin said:
Same as Drex - just school girls come up to the car, tbh it's a bit embarassing. I just want to get away from them - 34 yr old chatting to school girls about my car is well dodgy.

They're cheeky as **** though - ask for a ride, ask for a lift home and all "dont worry - my mates can walk home". Unbelievable. If my daughter grows up to do that I'll break her neck.

Exactly. They don't seem to care that it's a fat, bald 30-year old driving (me, not you ;) ). Pretty scary really.
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I've never tried to be honest. I find my stunning looks and gleaming personality normally do the job without me having to resort to it. :D

My mate's always making passing comments to birds when we're at the lights though, and they normally get a good reception. Might be worth a shot in summer. :)
Girls (girls to young to drive) are impressed by guys that drive cars.
You can talk to them normally somewhere where your car isnt but when they ask if you have your licence(which they will) and you say you do they start to get all flirty and talk even more to you then they were.

if you do the maths its like this to get the best result.

car+noisy exaust+sub=swams of young girls.

Ive seen a lot of guys pick up that way
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