Everquest combine progresive server beta

CliffyG said:
I've been mostly 2-boxing with Jodie's wizard as shes so knackered due to pregnancy. It's not going too badly but isnt very sociable.

That's my dilemma. Had it all sorted that I'd be 2-boxing either a rogue/shaman or cleric/bard but just started thinking to myself that I don't really want to play this game on my own for the next few months. The alternative is the single character LFG route and I know how difficult that path can be, especially now everyone is a hydra. Probably won't bother at all now. Way behind in the level race anyway.
wyrdo said:
Haly, are you two boxing on 1 PC? If so what's the performance like?
Yeah I am.
It's not too bad. It was terrible with normal windowed EQ so a guildmate suggested I use WinEQ2, which is a much much better program for dealing with it. I've got both windows running at 800x600 so it's not hugely pretty but means I can run both windows side by side, and the performance isn't too bad on my machine (p4 2.4 OCed to 3ghz, 1gb ram and a 6800le).
Hadnt noticed this thread before, so thank you OcUK for informing me, SoE for making it interesting again and fileplanet for hosting the trilogy download. Yes thank you for rekindling my EQ addiction from years ago! :p Patching now, i wonder how much of it I will remember!
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So, who's playing and can I have your character names? :)

I'm concentrating on my Druid at the moment, his name is Ailas and I'm only level 6 :p

Wouldn't mind hooking up with you guys at some point.
I've got a human monk called Haly level 7 at the moment :)
Also got a cleric I'm boxing as well that's called Serp, level 6.

We're around the East Commons at the moment.

Also in a guild called Shadowed Intent which has been fun so far. Do wish I had more time to play at the moment but then I was never a hugely fast leveller. I get bored of exp grinding.
Haly if you are 2 boxing I highly, highly recommend you stack the two screens and learn to alt-tab between them. It will not kill your machine anywhere near as badly, even without using winEQ. I can run 3 chars at 1280x960 with no problems on a machine with a worse spec than yours (its a laptop :P).

Other suggestions for boosting performance:-

Turn Sound off (it will suck with 2 accounts anyway)
Turn the Journal off (Alt-J), this can make the whole game pause.
/log off
Turn off the new water, its laggy as hell (in advanced gfx settings, alt-o, display, advanced)
Limit the number of new models you are using (options screen from the login menu)
Make sure texture compression is on. (options screen from the login menu)
Tone down the spell effects, limit the clip plane of them etc. Opacity around 25-35% is fine.

More than anything EQ loves RAM, so close down any unnecessary programs before launching it.
I'm pretty ok with it now thanks :)
Got two WinEQ windows, alongside each other which I'm preferring to stacked, both at 800x600 and running pretty smoothly.
Got optional graphics turned off as I'm not bothered by how pretty it looks.
Haven't tryed WinEQ but with the screens stacked autofollow keeps messing up. The character on follow moves either not at all or really slowly so it usually breaks frequently.
The trick with auto follow is to switch regularly between the 2 screens so the one lagging behind has a chance to catch up :)
I tried two boxing on the one PC over the weekend, whilst performance was fine it was just far too annoying to use.

I much prefer how I used to do it with 2 separate machines, just so much nicer. Maybe with practice it will become easier but it'll never become as easy as having them running on different machines.
I haven't noticed any problems with follow bar running into a tree once in a while but that's the case whether it's two characters on one PC or not.
Haly said:
I haven't noticed any problems with follow bar running into a tree once in a while but that's the case whether it's two characters on one PC or not.

Same here, follow worked just fine for me over the weekend.
Got to level 17 on sunday using my char while boxing the wifes but decided to call it a day. As much as i enjoy it, far more so than WoW i just won't be able to dedicate the time required to play it to the fullest. In fact i've decided to knock all mmorpg's on the head. Now the kids are staying up later etc it wouldnt be fair for me to be playing them. Also Jodie had pretty much given up too and a lot of the fun was levelling up with her in various games over the years, boxing is ok but takes out a lot of the social aspect as i don't get much chance to type etc havign 2 hands permanantly on mice.
Sorry to hear that CliffyG :( Although it is perfectly udnerstandable considering how busy you are with the kids :)

beckster said:
Would I be completely lost starting this and never having played eq before?
You might get a bit confused, it doesn't guide you in gently on the progression server, but then again it was my first MMORPG and it was pretty much how it is on the new server, and I did ok in the end :)
You might possibly want to consider a regular server as they have a tutorial at the start but personally I find the tutorial silly.
I've started playing a bit, currently have a level 9 Pally and a level 9 cleric which I 2box.

Really enjoyed the first 9 levels but then I moved over to lavastorm where I've died more times than I can remember! Are you on the Sleeper or the Combine Haly?
Shame I'm on the Sleeper, trying to find somwhere to level tonight but I remember how slowly I leveled in the first place, any ideas? Lavastorm is out unless i can get a magical wepon to hit those fire elementals quickly, what level did the Karans start at?
Well I'm only just level 8 now :( Work's been too hectic so I'm a fair bit behind everyone else which sucks.
I miss the old days when I had time :p
Rolled myself up an enchanter to try something different, just hit 8 last night. Character name is Mazrim
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