Everquest combine progresive server beta

CliffyG said:
Still unsure what classes to go for. I'm currently trying out a druid, shaman and paladin and the wife is toying with a wizard or druid. The only thing with the shaman is that it's so far away from everything at the start. I think a druid and shaman duo would overlap in skills a bit and we dont want to play 2 druids but all the other combinations seem quite decent. Any ideas?

For a duo I'd say shammy + paladin to be most effective followed by druid + paladin from the classes you've listed.
I'm probably going to settle on barbarian shammy myself. I just fell in love with Everfrost when the game was out first, and getting lost out on the plains for the first time and coming across the entrance to permafrost was a genuinely scary experience, not to mention the first trip down blackburrow tunnel trying to get through to Qeynos.

They make games too easy these days :(
I used to play a shaman and monk duo, and a shaman and shadow knight duo. Depends what kind of class you want to play really but I really enjoyed both combos.
How are people doing with this now?
I've not had a chance to play since Thursday as I've been away but not too bothered as it's only the beta. Still looking forward to it going live though :D
I'm not playing the beta at the moment, i just used it to get an idea of which class to play. I'n definately going for a pally and Jodie is going for a druid.
My druid is 16 and I've been messing with other classes as I can't be bothered powering through the levels just to do it all over again :p

Can't wait for the server to go live.
I'm hoping I might be able to get my old account back. Depends if I found the right credit card details :o It was from 5 years ago and on my Mum's credit card, as she changes card often (to get 0% interest deals), I spent yesterday with her searching through old statements :o
Just have to wait to see if we were correct, emailed SOE earlier about it.
Should be going live tomorrow night, probably too late to play though and I won't be anywhere near a computer till Saturday. Everyone here still planning on playing here? And is there space for a casual gamer in your group? :)
I won't be on there tomorrow night I don't think, but I will be Thursday evening and all of Friday (Day off :D) :)

Be playing as Haly and Serp around the Freeport/East Commons area.
Not sure I'm going to bother with this now :p

I'm getting more and more involved in the beta of another MMO which is taking up lots of my time, I don't really have enough time to play both so ye olde EQ is going to lose out I think.

My account is still active for a few more days so I may have a play tonight and see if I can maintain interest :p
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Just had a couple of hours play as I don't start work till 2. Got to level 3 and a half :o Mainly because I was messing about and trying to do some tailoring.

Hopefully get a chance to play more tomorrow, then I've got 3 days off luckily with my only plan to watch the football and play EQ :D
I like my boss :D
Got to work, it was dead there and plenty of us there so he said I could go home if I wanted. So I have.
3 and a half days off :cool:
Really enjoying it so far. Also tonight the levels are a little spread now so there isn't so many people in 1 spot, not that i minded too much anyway, 2as quite fun with 100's of people fighitng over 10 mobs :D.
Didn't feel very spread out when I was levelling :p
250 people in East Commons :eek: Gave up and going to log on in the morning when the Americans are in bed :)

Enjoying two boxing though now I've got it configured well.
I've been mostly 2-boxing with Jodie's wizard as shes so knackered due to pregnancy. It's not going too badly but isnt very sociable. Have all day tomorrow to make some headway with levelling anyway :).
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Argh why does this game have to be so addictive? :p

Played a monk last night, have also rolled up all my other chars I used to play too.

It was absolute chaos in Gfay when I logged my rogue in, over 300 people!

I'll more than likely play this tonight too so if anyone wants to group at all I'll be on either as Danica, Mazrim, Althalus or Bobban

Haly, are you two boxing on 1 PC? If so what's the performance like?
Still haven't gotten to play it. Bleedin kids :p

Character name is Hawke anyway, will hopefully get started tonight, probably as a barb shaman.
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