I'll be restarting when it goes live for sure. Just hope I have the time to give it a good go; didn't have as many responsibilities last time I played it.
Big question is whether be unsociable and 2-box which might end up with me at 50 with no friends, or go the single char route and risk spending hours LFG. As much fun as it was, I no longer want to wake up in the morning, load up EQ and switch on LFG in sebilis and go shower/brush teeth/eat breakfast and hope I've got a group by the time I'm done.
You can two box with one PC though Just have windowed instances. That's how I used to do it.
I'm tempted to two box again this time round but it's added expense so I probably won't.
Have a level 1 druid on the combine server now called Haedric, JodieG has a magician called Sydelle. I forgot how tricky it was doing everything, making notes of quests on paper lol. Will have a proper go on thursday night.
I had bought the dungeons of norrath and legecy of ykesha a few years ago through the online service. Is it as simple as ticking the relevant boxes on the advanced bit of the patcher to download the full expansion or does it only do updates that way and i need to download the main expansion from somewhere else first?
The server is up on the live server list now so we can reserve our character names. I already got Smith so don't bother trying that one
Been thinking about the inevitable level race and decided that it's probably a good thing. Just trying to imagine how nightmarish LGuk will become with the entire server gradually descending upon it so the sooner Kunark opens the better. Just need to find a guild that works through the content in order and perhaps slightly behind the curve which might help avoid the big squabbles. By squabbles I refer to uber guilds inevitably stepping on eachothers toes as the frenzy to unlock the expansion takes hold.
I just ripped off the guy that bought my old account... again.
Was checking up on my old character names and noticed that they hadn't been logged in for ages and in the 3 years since he bought the account he only got my warrior from 60 to 65 and added a few more AAs. I thought he must have got bored and the account was inactive so I emailed sony some details and they gave me account back. Bad part is that the billing cycle was still active on the guys credit card but I immediately cancelled that.
Not the first time I've stolen this account back either. When he bought it he didn't change the email address and I got the password back when I was just messing around one day. Felt bad though and I wasn't interested in gaming at that time so I emailed the info back to him.
Given that he barely played the account I'm probably doing him a favour, cancelling the monthly subscription charge he's had going since 2003. Still, I probably should give it back to him sometime soon. Just wonder what he'll think when he finds out I've stolen his account again.
I'm surprised Sony let that with just emailing some details
I lost my original accoutn details, lent a friend the account when I quit and now he can't remember the password. Very handy lol.
Yeah me too. Didn't think it'd work. They asked for my name, address, a credit card number that i'd used on the account and the original CD-Key. Maybe they have a seperate record of the original registration details for the account which they can check against.
Still unsure what classes to go for. I'm currently trying out a druid, shaman and paladin and the wife is toying with a wizard or druid. The only thing with the shaman is that it's so far away from everything at the start. I think a druid and shaman duo would overlap in skills a bit and we dont want to play 2 druids but all the other combinations seem quite decent. Any ideas?
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