Evolution or God

I think Humans will crack death its just a matter of Storage space, but still got to pay for it :)
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Once you consider that simulated universes are possible the probability that you live within a real universe becomes unlikely. Think of what we have accomplished technologically within the lifetime of our species then consider the technological reach within millions and billions of years. If another entity can simulate a universe we could be somebodies show and tell elementary project. They would then be our creator or God, I suppose.
Maybe..... but the thing is you have to start cherry picking which bits of different religious stories you have to ignore as science learns more and more, also as attitudes have changed certain parts are conveniently ignored.

And once you go down that road, and once you decide that 1 part of a religious text is wrong then it kind of puts in to question all of the rest (imo of course).

I mean I am all for equality...... and I absolutely believe in live and let live when it comes to who you choose to marry or share a bed with. I also think it is fine for a woman to be a priest

but if you take the bible at face value .... unless my memory is failing me (I have read it front to back albeit it was a long time ago)........ in the Bible its fair to say those things were "frowned" upon.....

The Bible has been interpreted non-literally since ancient times. The New Testament itself often interprets the Old Testament allegorically rather than literally. Hermeneutics is not an excercise in cherry-picking, it's an exercise in consistent exegesis.

then there is the whole contradiction in there as well...

or am i mistaken?

The Bible contains contradictions because it's an imperfect text compiled over thousands of years. It's not inerrant.

and where do we stand on Leviticus 24:17-22 *** (an eye for an eye and all that)

That was an ancient code of law for the Hebrew people, and they lived by it.
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Hermeneutics is not an excercise in cherry-picking, it's an exercise in consistent exegesis.
well if nothing else you managed to write a single sentence with 2 words in which i had to google..... so that was good going.

however, i get interpretation can change over time however the bible is pretty black and white on some issues.... and personally no god i could ever respect would support some of the stuff in the bible, regardless of if ancient or not.

therefore either God is an asshat OR the bible (and other texts.... but the bible is the only one i have read so it would be unfair to comment on others) was written as a way to people to keep in line and not the word of god at all..... and as such imo cant be trusted.

and yes i think ignoring certain parts whilst doubling down on others i think IS cherry picking.

Note again, am not talking about parts which could be open to interpretation or the evolution of language....

I can fully see how people can be spiratual and believe in something greater than ourselves (honestly looking at the state of the world today, greater than ourselves is a pretty low bar) but a belief in any religion? i will take science over that - even accepting that science does not have all the answers..... but i do believe the answers ARE there... its just they may be beyond our intelligence (or my intelligence in any case)
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