Evolve thread

just finished first match i videoed it so will add later.

seemed pretty fun. monster is very strong. lobby system was very slow.

catching back up with the monster is quite hard if you lose it. use traps to keep it held down at one point i had quite a few down thought we had him then i was killed :( :p

you need to work as a team and its pretty simple to play. you have like a boost jump. so like a jet pack. this regenerates.

graphics looked decent not crysis 3 amazing but pretty good.

overall not bad. think id pick it up when its half price or deal on. wouldnt pre purchase it.
How long does it take to find a match ? I've been going dizzy watching the animated circle in the middle of the screen for the last 10mins :p
well just had first match i was support and last one alive there still loads to do with the game seems like xbox one demo atm as it says press "A" to start .

Faults :

Only 60 fps max vsinc on or off will not make a difference , minimal graphical options even in advance mode only : aa , tesselation and vsinc . Seems like xbox one port considering same guys made l4d1 , l4d1 alpha was much better.

edit: be ware at max settings (very high settings No aa ) i was using 3595 of video memory

Also there no numbers in options but instead there is bars to choose sensitivity and sound no option to change your FOV ( field of view ) barely any options.

Monster way to fast no way to catch him till the end objective , hard to know were to go maybe because the game is new.


Games looks amazing at very high settings , but it is hard to enjoy the FPS game at 60 fps max .

It's the latest cryengine you're going to struggle to get high fps in the game.
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