Hi guys,
Just a quick update - nearly a month later and my Mum's garage door is fixed (running better than it ever has...), Evri accepted
FULL responsibility and paid out for the initial 'temp' fix as well as a full repair and service of the garage door and mechanism as well as a lot of grovelling, 'broken-English' apologies
Amazon sent Mum a £100 voucher, I received a £50 (it was my order for her, being sent to the address) and were very apologetic, "don't let this put you off of the Amazon brand etc."
I'll be honest, I put in the hours on this one. A conservative estimate of about 10 hours probably? It was totally worth it though! Thanks for the pointers, some of you provided here. The thing that really got Evri's attention though (aside from everything else - I was fighting on about 3 fronts at one point!) was an email to CEO, email address from Google - following the advice from posts on MSE. After that, there was no looking back
Anyone in a similar boat with property damage due to Evri, don't despair - just don't expect quick results. We're talking about 3/4 day waits for replies to emails. Claim cash was paid out in just under 6 working days.