Exclusive DLC for 360 version of GTA4 to be as big as vice city and san andreas

They have always used game engine rendered cutscenes in previous GTA's so I would imagine they will in this one too. It's a way of making sure that your character is still wearing the same clothes etc when in the cutscene.

Good point, smart **** :p
I would want more music, all the voice acting for the cut scenes will need to have the sound etc. I think it would be surprising how much all this could take up. And that is assuming they use real time to render the cut scenes, which i don't think they will do. Don't many devs render them in engine, then add some spit and polish and leave them as video files. I am sure that's how insomniac do it.

Extra music and voices would take up 300MB at the absolute max if a LOT of new audio was added.
why would they lose a lot of money. their game and pricing is based on making an engine and making a game, the engine, tools to make levels and scripted story is all there and working, everything is done and making more content by that point is streamlined, quick and cheap. so thats the game, with whatever profits.

THen MS pay them 50mil to do more work build a quick city and so on, i mean how many designers does it take to build a city and how much time and on what wages, 50mil will easily cover that. You pay money to people to work, they work, thats how life goes. MS is paying them to do extra work on content for them, can't really see how hard that is to understand.

THe higher ups at Rockstar might well be making a few mil in wages, the level designers, texturing guys, these are normal guys on normal wages, 50mil will get a lot of work done. Rockstar aren't losing anything, they are simply going to spend extra time, to the tune of 50mil in man hours(probably significantly less to be fair) on content they would otherwise not have done and simply moved onto the next game.

ANyone that thinks the PS3 downloadable stuff will be comparable is just retarded. 50mil IS a lot to companies like Rockstar, this game will bring in a lot of money, but it cost a lot to make and gets heavily reinvested into next projects.

They didnt pay them 50 million to make extra content, they paid them 50m to have the exclusivity of the content, they arent working 50m worth of content to be downloaded.

Keep up.
I wonder what the PS3 downloadable content will be. Probably just an extra car or so.

Who said there was PS3 DLC?

I think for $50 million MS will probably get exclusive DLC, I don't imagine Sony getting any? But who knows.

If MS fix their DRM rights then I would buy their DLC in a heartbeat, hopefully Spring update...
An expansion may not need to completely use all new content and so on. Some things I'd have thought could be re-used from the disc like commonly used skins and so on. There for entire new area wouldn't nesseserly be the size of entire new game.

That is if they will be making an extra city.
The question was who said the PS3 would be getting DLC, i shown it is? No need to get your fanboy hat on. ;)

Lol :) g'morning.

At the moment we don't have any definitive evidence the PS3 is getting any downloadable content (your link is rather speculative) but I'd be suprised if all versons don't get some costumes and maybe the odd new mission. What we're discussing is the large chapters the 360 is getting and as it stands the PS3 ain't getting them or anything close.

What you worried about anyway? Surely you'll just buy this better 360 version?
Hiya :)
What the guy said was 'who said the PS3 was getting DLC' The PS3 will be getting it. The 360 will be getting episodic content exclusive to the 360, but the PS3 will get some DLC. There will be stuff released on both systems like Multiplayer maps etc.

How is it better on the 360?? :confused:

If you check any of the GTA IV threads, you will see i am getting it on both :)
How is it better on the PS3?? :confused:

Probably isnt, and i don't think anyone said it would be. The core GTA4 version is no doubt the same on both platforms.

And then the added DLC will become available on 360 later.

I'm kinda sure both consoles will also get DLC of all kinds, thats not including that super dooper wow content that MS paid 50 mil for obviously.
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