Thanks for posting that up in it's entirety!
Very interesting read. Don't get me wrong, I loved the PS2 and sold my Xbox after about 1 month of owning one, but I'm beginning to think more and more that Sony may have severely dropped the ball.
Showing Killzone was wise at E3 as it made people think "Wow! Look at that! I'm going to wait for that baby!" - arguably the best showing of E3 was the Fight Night Round 3 in game footage...
The bubble then began to deflate a bit when people found out that Killzone was FMV... and that the X360 could reproduce Fight Night in just as much jaw dropping, face rippling detail. Now it sounds like Sony might not be able to hit the high standards gamers were expecting from the E3 FMV fest.
I always thought Sony were relying a bit too much on brand identity by giving Microsoft this big a headstart, and the more I read about the PS3 launch delays and state of final hardware, the more I think they may have dropped the ball.
If this article is remotely true (and it's well written and from a seemingly proffessional site so it should be) then it looks like there won't be much difference (at least initially) between the games we see on the Xbox 360 and the PS3. The PS3 sounds like it should be able to shift more data, but only if programmers can work out how to get around the Cell architecture and the memory bandwidth issues. Also mentioned is the huge headstart Microsoft will have when it comes to developers starting to unlock the best of the X360 by the time the PS3 is launching.
Look at Live now - we've got downloadable demos for a console, for the first time ever. We've got possibly one of the best organised communities ever where it's basically like a huge phpBB2 board - you can add buddies to your list, talk to them like it's Skype, leave them voicemail, PMs and invite them into your home via wireless LAN. We've already had one update to the Live software, and I would be very surprised if the dashboard has not been overhauled by the time the PS3 has launched. So we basically have a UI that Microsoft can update any time they want to and basically give us a brand new gaming experience.
I buy consoles to play games that I enjoy, get my heart racing and get me involved in rich worlds filled with interesting characters and engrossing storylines. That doesn't happen overnight. Developers take a while to start hitting us with their AAA titles (look at the last two years for the PS2 - Shadows of the Collossus, God of War, Burnout Revenge (graphically), Black) and by the time the PS3 launches the Xbox 360 will be showcasing it's best material and hopefully be past the 'Oooh buy me 'cause I'm pretty' games, and be onto the 'I can't remember being this into a storyline in years' phase.
I thought about holding back and waiting to see what the PS3 would bring, but I was in a position to buy an X360 on release day, so I did. Now hearing about the PS3 launch, how far it is away and how small comparatively the leap will be over the Xbox 360, I'm extremely happy that by the time we get our hands on whatever new DualShock Sony come up with, I'll have had the most exciting 18 gaming months of my life since the N64 came out.