There's is nothing attractive about beckhams body at all! He is all skin n bone tbh.
Aesthetically I think there is,
form follows function and his body is built to run for 90 minutes, essentially that's what primal man is all about - hunting, therefore he represents the peak of the human male body type.
A BB can lift a big rock, in terms of evolution that's a bit of a dead end IMO, therefore in terms of nature it's just a pointless freak. Just like having a 17" knob is alpha male but still freaky and pointless.
The only reason people still do this is because we associate strength with power, and power with virility. But the real world no longer operates on tossing dinosaurs around and instead runs on who has the most money. Women/gays may still find huge muscles attractive(???) but that's still just messing about with mating triggers.
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