Sorry for the unhelpful post, but guys with eyebrow piercings look awful.
Any piercings on a man are a bit questionable with reguards to team batting for.
+2, and tacky as **** tbh

Sorry for the unhelpful post, but guys with eyebrow piercings look awful.
Any piercings on a man are a bit questionable with reguards to team batting for.
all piercings are fugly imo, please dont do it, same as tatoos!
Any piercings on a man are a bit questionable with reguards to team batting for.
All of you guys asying "Oh tattoos and piercings are ugly bla bla bla" I urge you, go to a tattoo/body art convention, your minds will be opened.
I will agree that a good 60% of people who get tattoos get aweful trash but some of the stuff people come up withm and what come tattoo artists can do is really amazing.
I mean look at this:
That is many things, fugly or stupid are not among them.
...and yet you can't even spell the word 'tattoo' correctly!![]()
the worst piercing you could get imo.
Sorry for the unhelpful post, but guys with eyebrow piercings look awful.
Tru dat, looks extremely ghey!attention seeking gay boys.
the worst than can happen is a small scar
Anyone with an eyebrow, nose, lip piercing lead me to the immediate and often unjustified conclusion that they are a tool. The same can be said to those who choose to tattoo their body in areas which can be seen when you wear a shirt.
If you want to look professional don't get it simple as, if you want to remain working in Morrison's fair enough, but I can't see the police being particularly fond of them.
Anyone with an eyebrow, nose, lip piercing lead me to the immediate and often unjustified conclusion that they are a tool. The same can be said to those who choose to tattoo their body in areas which can be seen when you wear a shirt.
If you want to look professional don't get it simple as, if you want to remain working in Morrison's fair enough, but I can't see the police being particularly fond of them.
some folks I know have been left with marks after stopping wearing them so obviously they have ended up seriously regretting it
I have 2 small marks where mine was, but I have bushy eyebrows so you don't really see them. Wouldn't say I regretted having it done (a scary 14 years ago now), but I'm definitely glad I got a piercing and not a tattoo.![]()
i can admire the artwork that goes in to some tattoos but i would rather see it on a peice of paper than on an attrractive womans body.
i cant admire a womans curves etc if they are covered in tattoos and i doubt im the only one.
a small out of the way tattoo near an ankle or somewhere discreet can look nice but big in your face ones are a total put off.