F.E.A.R: Only been playing a couple of hours and I'm already ****ing my pants

16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
Firstly, there's the fact you have a shadow, which has led me to spray bullets at the wall. Then there's the creepy music and random guy wandering around and then exploding into dust, and then there's the little girl :s

I jumped on a ladder and as I did the little girl appeared at the top :eek:
I jumped off and at the bottom was the random guy. I unloaded an entire clip on this ghost screaming out loud... and then quit the game.

I don't have the courage to start it up again. :eek:
SiD the Turtle said:
Firstly, there's the fact you have a shadow, which has led me to spray bullets at the wall. Then there's the creepy music and random guy wandering around and then exploding into dust, and then there's the little girl :s

I jumped on a ladder and as I did the little girl appeared at the top :eek:
I jumped off and at the bottom was the random guy. I unloaded an entire clip on this ghost screaming out loud... and then quit the game.

I don't have the courage to start it up again. :eek:

Lol it gets worse :P i dont wanna give anything away but i panicked on one point. >_>
on a really scary level i just skipped it, i know im very sad :(. Skipping didnt help because something scarier happened. Just walk around looking at the floor and you will be fine lol
rofl, tbh that's the scariest bit in the entire game.

With this game, doom 3, condemned on the 360 you get to a point if you're playing for a heavy session (>1 hour) that it just doesn't stay consistently scary. I remember coming to the end of Condemned a few weeks ago in the mall with all the manakins around and just going 'ARGHH!!!' running everywhere killing everything that moved.
TBH i found FEAR to be predictable and i'm an easy person to scare, u wouldn't believe how many nights sleep i lost to "The Ring" :p

It tends to go in sections, action then scary, rinse and repeat. You can always tell when something freakys about to happens because of the static.

Only game that's managed to scare me to the point where i stopped playing for the night was System Shock 2 :eek:
I couldnt even play the F.E.A.R demo, when I went into that place I saw a little girls shadow, scared the crap out of me but I decided to stop being a wuss, then the combination of my heart beating noises and the mutilated corpse, and the fact that i had to go up the ladder with my back to the place all this happened, I couldnt do it so I quit lol.
I stayed away from FEAR, I don't like scary games. :p

Hell, Ravenholm in HL2 had me running about in a panic, I think FEAR might turn me into a gibbering wreck. :eek:
tTz said:
I stayed away from FEAR, I don't like scary games. :p

Hell, Ravenholm in HL2 had me running about in a panic, I think FEAR might turn me into a gibbering wreck. :eek:

Revenholm wasnt that scary :p

I still gotta try the full game of fear, Only every played the demo but loved it. I love scary games:D
SiD the Turtle said:
I jumped on a ladder and as I did the little girl appeared at the top :eek:

I remember the first time I jump right over and lost most of my health so when i reload and seen the little girl I got quite a shock ;)

Creepiest game ever goes to Aliens Vs Predator, just the beeping on the motion sensor as something comes towards you, best mood setter ever :D :D
Exactly the reason why I'm never going to play Fear!, Ravenholm got scary with those pipe monsters but cutting zombie headcrab things in half with rusty sawblades was fun :D
im not trying to sound like a hard northner, but i really really didnt find this game scaerey, predictable if nothing else.. after a few mins, those ash ghosts kinda become like ** lil bddies...' oh theres jimmy' ... 'hi jimmy !' ...'no of course i wont shoot you... it doesnt do anything ! '
Possible spoiler alert.

The invisible guys are the worst. When they disapear, and you're like, WTF where did they go!? and then they jump out of nowhere and just attack you. Good bit, but it scared the crap out of me, i was running round shooting like a headless chicken lol
SiD the Turtle said:
Have you played FEAR. If you can say that you have and didn't once jump or get scared, then either you're lying or you have balls of steel. Super steel. :D

Finished it, and am playing it through again every now and again.

Its not scary, no games are.
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