F.E.A.R: Only been playing a couple of hours and I'm already ****ing my pants

The bit in FEAR with the guys who're "hard to see" really had me on my toes but I have to say SS2 is the scariest game i've played ever. Still remember playing that whilst back in uni... It was xmas and being the miserable sod I am, I didn't go home until way after everyone else... I took a break at 4am to go to the bathroom. Probably the most scary trip to the bathroom in my life ;)
-Tauren- said:
AVP was ok for me..as i played alien first, to get the feel as to why they **** me up so much when i played marine, needless to say, i never finished the marine campaign :P Hehe. Doom3 was scary for the first 5 minutes til you had to rinse, repeat. etc. If in doubt, close your eyes and SPRAY. :p :D

Thats wasnt scary, just annoying.
The motion tracker would pick them up, and it was simply to dark to see them properly, hence having to redo certain parts of levels over and over and over again as you couldnt see where you were supposed to be shooting.

AVP multiplayer was fun, if you could ever find anybody online.
Got to have the headphones on when playing a scary game...HL2 was great with the headphones on and the lights off.....fear would be cacktastic :eek:
would like to add that game to my collection. these games now are such good graphics and sound its really funny when something makes you jump.... i remember sitting there just started ravenholme in hl2 so i thought i'd take a sip of coffee before continuing, and one of those headcrabs jumped out made me jump and had spilt the drink all over me lol.......id be a a wreak playing FEAR hehehe.......

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im not trying to sound like a hard northner, but i really really didnt find this game scaerey, predictable if nothing else.. after a few mins, those ash ghosts kinda become like ** lil bddies...' oh theres jimmy' ... 'hi jimmy !' ...'no of course i wont shoot you... it doesnt do anything ! '
Haha me too, maybe it is a northen thing, i wasnt scared at all, i mean your shooting marines, and when the girl appears your radio crackles and everythig slows down so your expecting it. Maybe if she appeared and a loud shriek was heard and she ran at you screaming or something it would be scary. Doom made me jump in places and gave an un easy feeling while playing it, also the EAX patch really helped to make it atmospheric. I got slightly bored about a quarter of the way through but then i started to really enjoy it and completed it.

I quit after the 1st mission. the bit when the guy smacked me with the plank of wood, I thought thats enough. It deserves its 18 rating thats for sure
I agree that the sound creates the atmosphere that scares you. I'm playing FEAR (after buying it in a recent on-line sale) and it does create a bit of a edgy feeling - however imagine playing it with the Benny Hill theme tume playing in the background and it suddenly feels absurd.

Not too sure about the game though - the engine doesn't feel as slick as the HL2/Source. Feels like you're drunk walking around and bumping things which shouldn't have touched...

Not bad for a tenner though. :D
i remember playing Blair Witch Project ages ago and, i always waited till evening when it was dark, switched off all ligts in my room and then sh.. myself all the time, seriously i had to stop playing this game after couple of levels, i couldn't take it any more,
i did same thing when was playing doom3 , but it wasn't so scary as other games,

Silent Hill series is also very very scary,
collisster said:
I quit after the 1st mission. the bit when the guy smacked me with the plank of wood, I thought thats enough. It deserves its 18 rating thats for sure

LOL you wuss :p thats about 5 minutes into the game, on the outside part of the level during daylight!
Crawling through a near pitch black tunnel with a ghost suddenly appearing right in front of your eyes, now thats scary :eek:
Played FEAR for the first time when i got my first Surround sound setup, so wasent really prepared for the whole noises around me thingy...... but was pretty funny letting my little cousin play it, he came running downstairs after about 10 minutes on it....
atpbx said:
You are honestly telling us, that you were scared by something that happend in a computer game?
I'm assuming you haven't watched the directors cut videos then :p They said on there, the people who made it at their studios, that even they got scared. Making it!

And there was a bathroom light that flickered and eventually none of them would go to it until an electrician came and fixed it. They seemed genuinely scared!
didnt find fear scary at all, more sumwhat amuseing, with the obvious shadows, and random person here and there, infact i havent found any games scary for a long time, last time i remember being scared by a game was resident evil 2, where the hands come through the window.
I've come to realise something about scary games, I can handle FEAR and Doom 3 with no problems but games where things jump up on your face I just can't handle, like Half Life and Alien v Predator, head crabs and face huggers scare the crap out of me, haven't got a clue how I got through Ravenholm on HL2.

Think I might have to play through FEAR again, loved every minute of that game.
I hate things that make you jump. Like the hands on Resi 2, or the dogs through the windows on resi one, now that sh*£ me up, i panic'd like hell. :p
I remember those Resi Evil sections they made me jump like a little girl :)
I have not tried Condemned yet but it does sound pretty good from what I have read.
D3fine said:
..last time i remember being scared by a game was resident evil 2, where the hands come through the window.

me and my mate crapped ourselves when that happened :), right next to where the first licker is!
F.E.A.R was one of the best shooters ive played the only down side was that i played it at a mates house for about 2 hours so i knew what was coming etc, when i finally got passed the stage where i knew what was coming, i just carryed on yes its creapy and gets under your skin, and freaks you out when walking down stairs to take a pish, but really enjoyed playing it. Also ofc its not as slick as HL2 nothing is HL = GOD of shooters. Since i've had my new system i had to play HL2 again but its never really scared me atall its just a mass climax ending then you was kept hanging for 2 years then EP1 came out this week! bloody hell now that was a climax and a half :P only EP2 now!! w000t the only thing that is annoying is that games are getting too advanced for hardware (dam DX10 , Vista) gona have to upgrade again within a year :P
Finally completed the game today.
3rd time going through the game, last 2 times have been interupted by reinstalling windows.

This is without a shadow of doubt the best single player experience I have ever had. Graphics are awesome (struggled a bit on my old card) hgameplay is amazing and such immersion. Couldn't put the game down.

Weird weird end :s

*waits for FEAR 2 *
I always play scary games with all sound off, though if I feel really brave I turn it back on then get scared like hell close my eyes and turn the sound off then slowly open :p

the bit in the tunnel on F.E.A.R when the girl runs along the floor scared the **** out of me :(((

And when you are going through some underground tunnels or so and all the lights are flicking on and off :S

No swearing.

I tried the demo but my struggled to handle it.

i have 2 gig of ram
3000+ amd 64 ( 1.8ghz )
and a Gforce fx 5500oc 256

Do you think its struggling because of the gfx card ?
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