F.E.A.R: Only been playing a couple of hours and I'm already ****ing my pants

Didn't find Ravenholm scary at all, but I never had the balls to start AVP up again after my first encounter with aliens there. Played a demo of fear and it did have some moments, but a lot were "stuff jumping in your face" type scary.
Well once you've played it once then yeah, like all scripted games it's not going to be scary as you know whats about to happen. But still. Seriously, you must have jumped at least once.

Edit: at atpbx
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m3csl2004 said:
doom3 scared me the first time i played it

then i just got bored

i was just about to say doom3 !
it was kinda scary. it was the first game i played on my first serious PC... never had an experience like that before ( a decent pc lol - was stuck to games like solitare) brother scared the living **** outa me by touiching my head and makin a loud noise...
then i got bored of it lol
Thing about Doom 3 is that you can just shoot anything that scares you there unlike some of the paranormal things in FEAR.
I get scared easily by games. It was my friend who bought me FEAR even though i told him that i didn't want it because it would scare me :p I ended up just leaving it and haven't played it in ages.

I also got scared by the first zombie you see in Ravenholm when i played the HL2 demo. I never knew that there were zombies in HL2 so when it started walking towards me making those noises i just thought 'WTF!!!!', turned off the monitor and held down the pc power button :D:p Once i get into a game and know the enemies etc then i'm fine.

I also got scared by Quake 4 at some points and also when playing FarCry. If i ever come across something scary in a game then i turn off the sound as that's the main thing that freaks me out, especially 5.1 sound.

EDIT: Also in Thief: Deadly Shadows i got scared when in some sewer and this 'thing' started running towards me. I've never touched the game since :p
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i'm 32 and fear made me jump a fair bit , but condemed that **** me up :) and I love horror flicks/books its all to do with the build up of tension !
I ain't played F.E.A.R, however those Trijens in FarCry...damn did they scare me abit, jumped at your from like 18283723FT away. And those one's that had Rockets attached to their Shoulders, woah. :( :(
Vita said:
I ain't played F.E.A.R, however those Trijens in FarCry...damn did they scare me abit, jumped at your from like 18283723FT away. And those one's that had Rockets attached to their Shoulders, woah. :( :(
The ones with guns were fine, it's the small running ones that got me ******** myself :eek:
mark1 said:
I never knew that there were zombies in HL2 so when it started walking towards me making those noises i just thought 'WTF!!!!', turned off the monitor and held down the pc power button :D:p


its weird for me i get scared in films but not in games. Fear was really an action game to me, and what so scary about a kid that blows ppl into chunks.
Pfft AVP2 was playable for me, the first one is the one that turned me into a whimp after the first 5 minutes. Never played it since.
AVP was ok for me..as i played alien first, to get the feel as to why they **** me up so much when i played marine, needless to say, i never finished the marine campaign :P Hehe. Doom3 was scary for the first 5 minutes til you had to rinse, repeat. etc. If in doubt, close your eyes and SPRAY. :p :D
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