I watch BBC when it's live, and Sky using SkyGo when it's not live on the BBC.
Sky coverage has definitely improved since the start of the season, but that's not saying a lot.
The BBC coverage definitely isn't as good as it was last season but it's still better than Sky currently.
Some of the Sky analysis is good (SkyPad and Ted) and I do like Brundle, but the BBC just seems more 'natural', especially with the drivers and teams, whether in interviews or just walking around the paddock.
I would consider myself as somewhere between an intermediate F1 fan. I follow as many F1 people as I can on Twitter and love reading about all aspects of the sport between races.
Because of this, I don't think Sky is living up to its 'professional' billing. I can get tons more information from Scarbs and his ilk long before they mention it on Sky.
In fact, that's why I like the BBC and its 'Top Gear' style. I like Top Gear anyway, and I can get my technical analysis elsewhere so it becomes an entertainment show, rather than a technical show.
The problem with Sky is, they aren't technical enough to be a technical show, and they don't do the entertainment as well as the BBC to be a purely entertainment show.