Facebook account suspended

I think FB is going out of favour now. ^^ I've never used it on my phone and I haven't checked it on desktop since mid-May. For friends updates, I use Signal. For family, I use WhatsApp because they haven't wised up to using Signal yet :)

For those wanting to access discussion groups such as WWII, would @Droolinggimp + others on here consider using Reddit? It is much better as a forum than Facebook is in terms of how the site is structured. Each forum starts with /r and so examples for WWII would be /r/worldwar2 and /r/ww2. So if you look at those, you can see more suggested communities and drill down further to what you're looking for.

I already use Reddit and sub to various WW2 and/or modelling terrain groups. I do find the Facebook versions (most terrain groups have FB and Reddit groups) more chatty and quicker to reply. Plus its easier to message other users on FB regarding wargaming and terrain modelling discussions.
About 4 days ago I woke to check my groups on Fb and was welcomed with a suspicions activity notice and its was suspended. I appealed the decision and just waiting now.
A friend told me he saw lots of Arabic writing on images which I will assume was hate related. I have fired off a few emails to an assortment of FB address. It's a real pain in the bum having this done as[...]

I mean it seems fair enough tbh.. if you've allowed your account to be hacked and it was subsequently used to spam hate speech stuff then FB had good reason to suspend your account.

You, however, have good reason to appeal it and hopefully, they should reverse the suspension and you can turn on 2FA.
I mean it seems fair enough tbh.. if you've allowed your account to be hacked and it was subsequently used to spam hate speech stuff then FB had good reason to suspend your account.

You, however, have good reason to appeal it and hopefully, they should reverse the suspension and you can turn on 2FA.
I wouldn't say I have allowed it to be hacked, I use the suggested Google password thing (random letters upper/lower, numbers and symbols etc). I am pretty clued up on what sites, links etc I use. I can't really think if I have done or visited anything out of the ordinary recently. Like I said in my OP, I checked my email I used for FB and it was in a data breach a few days prior.

Edit: yes it is a vaild reason to suspend my account, as a pain in the arse as it is, its good. Just a bloody annoying.
I think FB is going out of favour now. ^^ I've never used it on my phone and I haven't checked it on desktop since mid-May. For friends updates, I use Signal. For family, I use WhatsApp because they haven't wised up to using Signal yet :)

For those wanting to access discussion groups such as WWII, would @Droolinggimp + others on here consider using Reddit? It is much better as a forum than Facebook is in terms of how the site is structured. Each forum starts with /r and so examples for WWII would be /r/worldwar2 and /r/ww2. So if you look at those to begin with, you can see more suggested communities and drill down further to what you're looking for.

Never really bothered that much in the past with Reddit and not knowing the structure as you describe above probably didn't help.

I might have a dig later and see how I get on.
Never really bothered that much in the past with Reddit and not knowing the structure as you describe above probably didn't help.

I might have a dig later and see how I get on.
If you do delve into reddit, make sure you read the sub reddits rules, some subs are highly moderated and very bitchy about what can and can't be posted.
If you do delve into reddit, make sure you read the sub reddits rules, some subs are highly moderated and very bitchy about what can and can't be posted.
Reddits the worst place on the internet, all the mods seem to be woke teachers pets type desperate for authority.

I said something normal in my cities sub reddit and got temp banned for 2 weeks, I think it was saying prides a waste of money...

I looked up the mods post history and saw he made some pink alcohol.... guess that explains it...
most the mods don't care about the subs rules it's the viewpoints they police absolute woke crap hole
I wrote something about wishing a pedophilie died in prison = 30 day ban.

I got in an argument with a paedo talking about having sex with a 10 year old and I called him a nonce and I got a 3 day ban for hate speech but he still continued with his noncery.
After a couple of days of actually getting a real person on the other end they re-instated me and banned him.

I once said all Politicians need lining up against a wall and shooting with a water pistol and got 3 days.

At Christmas there was a meme with a little boy sitting by a Christmas tree holding Mein Kampf with the words "When your grandparents misheard you asked for Minecraft" - another day.

About a month ago and this is genuine, I stated that 'I was worse' and I had a warning for hate speech :)
Yes I know it's an algorithm but come on.

and like the OP, there are Groups on there that I really need to be part of and a couple I Admin so when I've had my odd day bans it's really annoying.
Seems the AI can't really tell context and doesn't like posts which infer physical violence even when to a human they are clearly not threats and the human moderators seem leery to go against the system.

Impossible. The voices tell me to do it.
You must be extremely special to take offense at that nonsense, or a machine.
The collective you, not you.

Nail on head. It's almost certain that having an edgy word or 2 out of context will be triggering an automated response that follows a 3 strike rule, hence progressively harsh punishment for minor infractions.

I once recieved a ban because the algorithm (FB is far from intelligent, artificial or otherwise) missed the context by a lightyear.

I got 30days because on an ad for some alloys wheels I wrote "damn those are beauts, If I had the money I'd snap your hand off"

Apparently that was inciting violence.....
I had one because I posted a JPG image of Theresa May with her head back and laughing alongside 2 cabinet members. This I later found out was the same image used as a Gif for something I would expect to get banned for and took a long time arguing with Karen for my ban to be overturned.
Funny story: I changed my FB profile picture to that of Sean Connery as James Bond when he passed away, I got banned permanently without any way to try and revert the ban for breaking community rules of impersonating someone famous…

Apparently the way around this was to change my profile picture back within a set amount of time, however I couldn’t as I was banned so subsequently my entire account was deleted.

Ended up having to request a link to download my entire profile so at least photos weren’t lost.

There isn’t a human you can talk to about it, it’s all automatic.

They truly are a crap company to deal with.
Recently a lot of Groups have been ravaged by people posting hardcore porn pictures with a very happy Alsation being the main one.
I was able to change the settings of my two Groups so any new name who wants to post has to be approved and I gave this advice to other Admins of other groups.
However there are two Groups where there are no Admins looking in and they are both full of porn.
At least 50 people have reported the content over the last month but it still remains but I get a warning for saying "I am worse" :)
Face book I think is out of control and beyond the fad now, have no doubt something new will emerge and make its entrepreneur a gazzilionaire too, LOL

Lots of my good friends used FB but in my age group and consistent with that, we are dropping off like flies.

Never did get the Face Book Jail as we call it in Scotland, and that's remarkable because I can be quite outspoken at times :)
Having said that, made some real friends on FB over the years and have met a few and we keep in touch, but with around 450 likes and being a private local Highland person, thought it was time to move on and go Private again.

Facebook was handy for selling stuff locally though.
Got a mate who regularly gets suspended, but once he's back, he's back to posting the same crap.

No idea how he hasn't been permabanned, FB is inconsistent.
There isn’t a human you can talk to about it, it’s all automatic.

That's because of the sheer number of people that use it. They can't control it with fully human interaction and bots are needed to fix it. A lot of wrong decisions are been made on that platform when it comes to bans, reports e.t.c. It's a cess pit and a horrible place to be.

If mass numbers exited the platform deleting their accounts they would have to change.
That's because of the sheer number of people that use it. They can't control it with fully human interaction and bots are needed to fix it. A lot of wrong decisions are been made on that platform when it comes to bans, reports e.t.c. It's a cess pit and a horrible place to be.

If mass numbers exited the platform deleting their accounts they would have to change.

Yes I understand it’s the sheer number of people that use it, but in my instance I would expect to be able to escalate it upwards for human intervention
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