Facebook account suspended

Funny story: I changed my FB profile picture to that of Sean Connery as James Bond when he passed away, I got banned permanently without any way to try and revert the ban for breaking community rules of impersonating someone famous…

Apparently the way around this was to change my profile picture back within a set amount of time, however I couldn’t as I was banned so subsequently my entire account was deleted.

Ended up having to request a link to download my entire profile so at least photos weren’t lost.

There isn’t a human you can talk to about it, it’s all automatic.

They truly are a crap company to deal with.

One time I used the independent appeals website set up for FB cases and knew I was onto a winner with times, dates, screen grabs and links to credible this and that. Well after a couple of weeks I realised I may as well have contacted the Yorkshire Snail owners association as what I presented was completely ignored and the 30 day ban continued.
Got a mate who regularly gets suspended, but once he's back, he's back to posting the same crap.

No idea how he hasn't been permabanned, FB is inconsistent.

I've got a 72 year old musician 'friend' who consistently gets a month ban, as soon as he's back within 2 days he's on 30 days again.
Got to admit he deserves it because he's racist, homophobic and transphobic so I don't know why he hasn't been perma'd.
He still gets regular gigs so instead of posting in my local gigs group he has to private message me his gigs :)
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