Faecal bacteria join the commute

Well exactly, all this talk about automatic taps and dispensers and driers - but what of the automatic trouser-puller-uppers? Or maybe we should shuffle out of the stalls with our pants round our ankles until we've cleaned up our hands? Hrrm?

It's just not viable, really...
they need to go and swab 1000 arabs hands... that would be a shocker.

And which of the cities listed has the greater concentration of muslims? How does that correlate with 'cleanliness'?

The molecules that you detect from a fart originated in somebody else's rectum. Hold your nose or get a grip. Fortunatley everybody here has evolved an immune system to cope with daily exposure to bugs of all varieties. You are long term probably more healthy for a bit of dirt on your hands than if you scrub yourself clean daily.
I don't know if it's been mentioned yet but all this moaning about 'touching' germs/bacteria etc, or being paranoid about touching a door handle because it may have 'invisible' urine particles on it but yet most of us are happy to indulge in oral sex, people worry way way too much seriously.

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