Faecal bacteria join the commute

Newcastle - men 53%, women 30%
Liverpool - men 36%, women 31%
Birmingham - men 21%, women 26%
Cardiff - men 15%, women 29%
Euston (London) - men 6%, women 21%

Does it get worse the further north you go? ;)
You are kidding right? I am sure your co-workers and house mates enjoy touching the doors which have a fine coating of your urine.

Urine is probably cleaner than the water you are using to wash your hands. They used to use urine to sterilise surgical instruments in WW2! I don't know why people get so worked up about it to be honest. I can understand it when poo is involved, but urine is not "dirty" as such.
Urine is probably cleaner than the water you are using to wash your hands. They used to use urine to sterilise surgical instruments in WW2! I don't know why people get so worked up about it to be honest. I can understand it when poo is involved, but urine is not "dirty" as such.

All true, but I still go back to my original point which is there is no excuse for dodging basic hygiene. We have not even talked about lice or items which "live under the hood"

Yeah folks, since urine is so sterile why not replace all the sinks in public toilets with glory holes so if you need to go for a pee simply ask the next man to pee on your hands, add some soap and job done!

- Wash hands with pee
- Receive free aids!
- ???
I wash my hands after the loo, but most important is before I eat food that I will be directly touching. Taps at work are cleaned 4 times daily by cleaners and the hand dryer and taps are all auto.

Only tricky part is the doors, just use a paper towel for those. People at our work are a bunch of dirty skanks tho so my ocd is justified :D
They have taps which activate automatically these days so that problem can be overcome and doors could in theory either be left open or not be present at all if the right layout is available - provided that appropriate signs are is in place!

And yea cleaning is the easiest answer, as long as it's not just once daily then there would be far less of a problem - if any!
As Mythbusters have already proven, there's poo everywhere.

And as Penn & Teller's Bull**** (can I say it in that context) proved, your hands and face are much dirtyer then the rest of your body, you should actually wash your hands before going to the toilet.
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