Fake hate crime: Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers to attack him

25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!

So police are have now actually charged him. That was pretty quick and given how hard it would normally be to prove a negative in a case like this, I'm concluding they must have some pretty good evidence.

As far as I'm now concerned, Smollet faked the attack. The interesting things to watch from here on will be:
  • Whether activist judges and juries go super lenient on him (no idea).
  • Whether the media rallies round to create a narrative in support of him (I think they will).
  • Whether Democrat leaders with whom he's often pictured and friends with stick by him (I think they'll quietly downplay it and make neutral statements until they see which way the wind is blowing).
  • Whether they can get him on the "white powder" and death threat letters. (If they do, that increases his possible sentence quite a lot).
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Or what will they concoct as a distraction technique?

Prison is the only thing for him. His action could have led to people being injured or killed. He was also apparently willing to testify against two suspects... Until he was told they were the people he had paid.

Some of the YT videos are hilarious.
27 Jan 2009
It has begun. Smollet attempts to perpetrate a career boosting hoax, defame political opponents and risks kicking off race riots... But he's the victim here. Expect a lot more of this on behalf of the well-connected political darling.

(Seth Mandel: Washington Examiner editor, btw).

Even his wife was against him! Quite the ratio there :D
29 Aug 2007
RaohNS said:
Prison is the only thing for him.

Perhaps. That's why the US has a judicial system. Innocent, guilty, proven, until - rearrange them however you like but do NOT use the word 'hack' because I'll wriggle out of it.

His action could have led to people being injured or killed.

Debating 101 here my dude. C'mon.

He was also apparently willing to testify against two suspects... Until he was told they were the people he had paid.

That is odd if true, granted.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Are people now trying to paint some kind of left wing conspiracy that will protect this nutjob? :)

I most certainly am. He's friends with a Democratic presidential candidate, other prominent Democrat figures, his case makes the Left look bad as it forms one more in a pattern of false flag attempts to frame Trump supporters and Republicans as racists. He has engaged an extremely high-profile and expensive lawyer who has previously represented big name celebrity clients and has already been doing interviews on national television to try and create a sympathetic narrative (and TV stations have indulged him). And then there's examples of major journalists such as the above getting in there with the "he deserves sympathy" narrative. So yes, lardboy, I am TOTALLY suggesting a closing of ranks by the Left to protect him. Without reservation. The greater question would be why you think this wouldn't happen! Clearly the concept of political elites helping one another out with their influence is brand new to you. :D
29 Aug 2007
Are people now trying to paint some kind of left wing conspiracy that will protect this nutjob? :)
Politics now more than ever is point scoring and appealing to base. I think it's probably likely that he has set this up himself which is stupid and deplorable and now - or at least likely soon - he'll get caught out. That doesn't help what he was trying to do and just gives ammunition to the Orange Doofus and his followers that the media are too quick to hate the obese President and too slow to give the Democrats a kick. I suspect it'll backfire hugely.

The idea of conspiracy or of reason or of thought, though - that doesn't exist anymore. The headlines and the articles you read are the ones you want and deserve. If you're left leaning, you'll see this as a guy trying to make a point, albeit legally eyebrow raising at least at this stage, and if you're right leaning, you'll see this as the Libs directing the media to attack the Right.

Every day we split further and further from each other and go back to our camps to recoup and attack in the morning.
23 Apr 2014
I most certainly am. He's friends with a Democratic presidential candidate, other prominent Democrat figures, his case makes the Left look bad as it forms one more in a pattern of false flag attempts to frame Trump supporters and Republicans as racists. He has engaged an extremely high-profile and expensive lawyer who has previously represented big name celebrity clients and has already been doing interviews on national television to try and create a sympathetic narrative (and TV stations have indulged him). And then there's examples of major journalists such as the above getting in there with the "he deserves sympathy" narrative. So yes, lardboy, I am TOTALLY suggesting a closing of ranks by the Left to protect him. Without reservation. The greater question would be why you think this wouldn't happen! :D

Personally I think hes just a mental P.O.S, dont even know who he is though.....
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Perhaps. That's why the US has a judicial system. Innocent, guilty, proven, until - rearrange them however you like but do NOT use the word 'hack' because I'll wriggle out of it.

I see what you did there mags.

You are correct of course regarding the situation of innocent until proven guilty. I just feel at this point the evidence is pretty conclusive. What hole can he pull himself from now?

Debating 101 here my dude. C'mon.

Correct. Agree a definition is the first rule of any argument.

That is odd if true, granted.

If true. It is being reported. It will come out in the wash. The striking thing of course IF this WAS true (verifiably through not being a perfidious tartuffe like a certain poster (or one who can get a MAC-10 in 5 flat)) he intended to implicate two innocent people.

The media would run defence. Think how they edited the Zimmerman recordings and the famous CNN pic that (may or may not have been a meme) showing Zimmerman getting whiter and whiter as the days went on!
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Many many more. There's a website that monitors the recording of fake hate crimes. Perhaps someone can find it.

I would still love to know about the Las Vegas shooting. That was very very hush hush.
3 Feb 2019
There is a left wing in the US who will attempt to protect him, we are already seeing that with the groundwork stories of mental health etc. The same left wing who have created several hoaxes in recent times to score cheap political points against the republicans.

There's been a rise of the far left in the US that is so extreme that many traditional democrats and liberals have been labelled right wing. I even saw Bernie Sanders had his rally hijacked and he was thrown off his own stage by black lives matter because he was the enemy as he is an "old white man" and doesn't deserve a platform.

ANTIFA are now classed as a terrorist organisation.
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