Fake hate crime: Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers to attack him

8 Jan 2009
Awesome news that he has been arrested.

He should have the full book thrown at him and lock him up for a very long time, this "thing" has done so much irreparable damage and should be made a example of so others in future in his position will think twice.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
I would agree IW, but more than anything you would hope that he realizes he put people at risk and was (so far as is being reported) prepared to testify against two innocent people until he was told who they were.

Personally, he deserves at least some jail time.

He is very very very well connected with the Democrats though, so he may get off with a warning. Or even scot free
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
2 Aug 2012
Yeah, good point.

Maybe EVERY racist incident reported by black people has all just been faked....


No, but given the pretty broad effective presumption of guilt on the part of the "White" party whenever there is any inter-racial confrontation (Though never the other way round of course)

I dare say that, even if not deliberate False Flags, "Misrepresented" incidents are likley to be really not uncommon.
18 Oct 2002
Assuming Smollet is found guilty (which at this stage seems more than likely), the full weight of the law should be used against him — as it should against any one else found guilty of wasting police time like this.

I can’t understand the mindset of people who think this sort of thing is a good idea. It’s not as if there aren’t enough genuine cases happening at the moment — it’s actually counterproductive towards their cause.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
I can’t understand the mindset of people who think this sort of thing is a good idea. It’s not as if there aren’t enough genuine cases happening at the moment — it’s actually counterproductive towards their cause.

It's actually quite simple. Their logic is the same as nearly every other criminal's: "I wont get caught".

EDIT: Tim Pool covering this in a bit more detail than usual. Seems Smollett could get one to three years, potentially.
20 Oct 2002
Wow a complete breakdown of the incidents, communications and steps of this case from the court has been released by the clerk of the attorneys office... It seems extremely thorough and very, very detailed. Oh dear...
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
A pity Tim Pool is was labelled as a very extreme far alt right extremist.

I've followed Tim since he became involved with the InfoWars Sweden thing. Interesting guy.
26 Apr 2008
Bristol, Old Blighty
I can’t understand the mindset of people who think this sort of thing is a good idea. It’s not as if there aren’t enough genuine cases happening at the moment — it’s actually counterproductive towards their cause.
When you're the victim of a horrible crime, people rally around you, support you, and pay attention to what you say. It's not hard to see why someone might want that, without all the bother of actually being a victim.
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Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
When you're the victim of a horrible crime, people rally around you, support you, and pay attention to what you say. It's not hard to see why someone might want that, without all the bother of actually being a victim.

It's also extremely useful for promoting irrational prejudice and discrimination, which is what biological group advocacy is all about. Which is why biological group advocates have no objection to false accusations as long as they think the accuser has a superior biological group identity to the accused. Their only objection is to anyone caring about false accusations because of the possibility that might perhaps maybe reduce the presumption that inferior group identities are always guilty. Like, for example, the statement from trevellanderson that h4rm0ny quoted a few posts back.

Also, of course, once that sexist/racist/whatever-ist presumption of guilt is well established it's very unlikely that false accusers will be proven guilty or even suspected of it. The chance is higher when there's evidence, but it's still something a person with a higher status group identity will probably get away with. We're already at the stage where a non-trivial number of people with a non-trivial amount of power are publically stating their opposition to any trial or any investigation at all as long as the accuser has a higher status group identity than the accused - they want to go straight to summary conviction without a trial or even any investigation. trevellanderson's statement is typical of that attitude. It's not a new one by any means, e.g. accusations by christians against jews in many parts of Europe during a large part of the medieval period, accusations by "white" people against "black" people in segregationist USA, etc, etc. Fashionable ideas about where different group identities should be placed in the hierarchy change, but the idea itself sadly doesn't.

Then there's the idea of belonging, which is a powerful motivation for many people.

On top of that, in some cases there's a financial/power motivation as well. An actor, for example, could significantly enhance their career that way. It would hugely increase their media exposure and their chance of being hired for higher profile (and thus better paid) roles. A musician/performer likewise. A politician likewise. There doesn't have to be much money involved - there have been cases of people making a false accusation to get some time off work while being paid or to provide an excuse for being late for work.

It's actually quite simple. Their logic is the same as nearly every other criminal's: "I wont get caught". [..]

Yes. Hardly anyone would commit a crime if they thought they'd be caught. That's why sentencing isn't a very good deterrent by itself.
8 Jan 2009
"That symbol conjures up such evil in this country's history," Judge Lyke said of a rope that Mr Smollett claimed the attackers had hung round his neck, according to the Chicago Tribune

I don't like throwing the "evil" word around, but it is evil, it's like faking cancer or some other illness.

My worst fear is that since he's famous or something, he will get a slap on his wrist, when he really should be sent to jail and "forgotten" by the music and entertainment industry.

I read so far that they got CCTV of the two guys buying the "MAGA" gear and that Jussie paid them with a check. lol
25 Oct 2014
When i first saw the report i was disgusted but after re reading the initial report it stated that white men with ski masks, goggles, bleach, MAGA hat's shouting racial and homophobiic slurs i knew it was boll**ks.

29 Jan 2008
I wouldn't say it was obviously BS initially, some of the details were suspect but it was plausible he was attacked and that the attack was racially motivated with some things being exaggerated in either the reporting or his account of the incident.
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