Fake hate crime: Jussie Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers to attack him

26 Dec 2003
Also, people having a pop at tang0 for posting this story yet none having a pop at the actor who it is now being accused of faking a race-hate crime to trigger more anti-Trump hate.

The (fake news) media have been doing it ever since Trump's election, they're the ones pushing divisive propaganda and yet they project it all onto Trump. Why would Trump want Americans divided? ideally he wants everyone united behind him. The left have to keep their docile SJW sheep onside with them by pushing Russia conspiracies and other far right BS or Trump will win easily in 2020.

Even before the 2016 elections the Clinton campaign has been exposed by Project Veritas as sending people to Trump rallies to incite violence, it's all optics for their media backers.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
so you found 'reporting' crap news as crap news on here the best thing to do? surely, not perpetuating crap is the better way forward and just ignoring idiocy is the best? Ah the internet, bringing idiocy to the masses no matter what the medium! :rolleyes:

The fake news isn't what's being reported. It's the fact that it IS fake news that is. It makes a nice compliment to the Covington boys story where the MSM fell over themselves to condemn the boys and when the truth emerged rapidly dropped it with the occasional grudging correction because they'd been exposed. Now again, the media, politicians and pundits fell over themselves because of what is looking more and more like a false flag. I don't blame the media for being outraged, per se. If I had heard a report that two people had hung a noose around someone's neck in a racial attack, I'd be pretty damn outraged too. The issue is that the media loved it for the supposed showing of Donald Trump supporters as racists and that if as is likely this turns out to be a false flag, they'll move rapidly on to whatever else they can find that does fit the narrative.

If he made this up, it's serious. Aside from wasting police time (it's not like there's a lot of real crime in, oh, Chicago.). It's that it heightens racial tensions and can provoke fatal consequences. Rodney King attacked police officers and his arrest sparked deadly riots in LA. A young Black man was killed in London and kicked off rioting there not so very long ago. Imagine what an attempted lynching by White Surpremacists in Chicago could cause if it were believed. Frankly, if this took place in Summer rather than when it's -9C then half the city would likely be in flames by this point and half the African American communities would be believing that evidence Smollet made it up was a cover-up by the police.

We should all give thanks (if this really is a stunt) that he pulled it in February.

Also, saw this and had a lol:
21 Aug 2010
Of course the default position should be to believe victims that come forward.
Obviously if evidence proves they are lying then they should be condemned and prosecuted with the fullest extent of the law.
Politicians and people that supported him will be utterly disgusted with him, but hey don't let that fact stop the right and pond scum from taking cheap political shots :rolleyes:
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
I suspected this story had more going than meets the eye when the first reports started to break as the events as told just didn't seem to make much sense and it now looks likely that it has been faked for an unknown reason. With the history of racial tension that Chicago has it'll be interesting to see, if Smollet is charged for a fake race-hate report, just what the Police will charge him for, because would making a false claim about 2 white people attacking a black man be considered a race-hate crime in itself?

Also, people having a pop at tang0 for posting this story yet none having a pop at the actor who it is now being accused of faking a race-hate crime to trigger more anti-Trump hate. I keep talking about the anti-Trump echo chamber this forum has in the Trump thread in SC, where looking at an event in a single specific way can leave you blind to the truth when it disagrees with your views, but it's a shame to see people post multiple times here yet ignoring a fairly important race-hate story, especially as it now is starting to look likely that it was all fake. You would think that after having a known fake event like the initial Covington reporting, where the anti-MAGA reaction is more important that the actual truth, happen so recently that people might be a little more cautious with instantly believing a story just because it fits your own narrative, regardless of how true it is or not. It's a shame really.

Agreed. It is frankly bizarre that some people's response to a potential false flag attack is to attack the people the false flagger attempted to smear.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!

Was actually coming in here to say the police had released a statement saying the allegations were false, but they've since confirmed the story.

It's still reports from unnamed sources "close to the investigation". I mean it's looking very likely he made it up, but I'm reserving judgement until it's conclusive. The worst outcome will probably be if Smollet sticks to his story but the police decide it's not worth prosecuting. At which point it will continue to be something the Right mock for years whilst becoming an article of faith for some on the Left. However, with the brother's statements if true, the police have enough to prosecute on and if they don't it will probably be due to political pressure from above.
21 Aug 2010
And btw, CNN have been running this story all morning, can the same be said for fox 'news' when something significant and negative for trump occurs ? (If it's not being disingenuously reported it's ignored all together )
Rank hypocrisy is rife on the right

Agreed. It is frankly bizarre that some people's response to a potential false flag attack is to attack the people the false flagger attempted to smear.

The vast majority of responses I've seen is people condemning him and calling for prosecution (and rightly so)
20 May 2007
The (fake news) media have been doing it ever since Trump's election, they're the ones pushing divisive propaganda and yet they project it all onto Trump. Why would Trump want Americans divided? ideally he wants everyone united behind him. The left have to keep their docile SJW sheep onside with them by pushing Russia conspiracies and other far right BS or Trump will win easily in 2020.

Even before the 2016 elections the Clinton campaign has been exposed by Project Veritas as sending people to Trump rallies to incite violence, it's all optics for their media backers.

25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
The vast majority of responses I've seen is people condemning him and calling for prosecution (and rightly so)

I was referring to this thread. So far I've seen two posters already try to turn this into a condemnation of Trump supporters / the Right for trying to use this to criticise the Left and four or five other posters mocking the OP for sharing it or otherwise expressing the sentiment it shouldn't be discussed.

So no, not "BS". This is indeed some people's response and I do find it bizarre.
17 Jan 2016
I believe in the truth, there are positives in both right and left, but it’s obvious what the OP is doing. He has no interest in the story, he just like to bash the left.

You're calling the OP saying that he's said the source was fake news etc. But from YOUR perspective cnn isn't fake news.. so you should believe it, right?

As for the story itself (which @Raymond Lin fails to actually comment on), I'm not surprised by stories like this. There are literally thousands of people who do similar things to attention seek playing the victim. This sort of thing should be condemned by all moral people, whether left or right, as it makes a mockery of hate crime.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
You're calling the OP saying that he's said the source was fake news etc. But from YOUR perspective cnn isn't fake news.. so you should believe it, right?

As for the story itself (which @Raymond Lin fails to actually comment on), I'm not surprised by stories like this. There are literally thousands of people who do similar things to attention seek playing the victim. This sort of thing should be condemned by all moral people, whether left or right, as it makes a mockery of hate crime.

You seem to have a problem of reading something but seeing something else.

I’m saying OP call CNN fake news but then why is he reading it? If he is reading it then surely then it isn’t fake unless he LOVES lies and fake news. That is the point.

This sort of things should be condemned by all sides and everyone and hence CNN is reporting it. So where is the “fake” in the news? Which makes OP’s assertion of CNN being fake a joke.
27 Jan 2009
I mean one minute he calls them fake news yet he reads their site and uses them as source?!

Strangely it seems there's a greater (if not universal) tendency for thoose on the contemporary 'right' to look at and even seek out views from people and outlets that they don't think will be in accordance to their current views.

Unlike the contemporary 'left' which have a greater (but not universal) tendency either to demand and/ or inhabit a 'safe space' or to actively seek to no platform and /or shout down any sources of information that may not be in accordance with their existing world view.

I like to look at a wide range of sources as at least a partial antidote to confirmation bias.

Its rather sad that you apparently (?) don't think that exposing yourself to a conflicting view might just be healthy every now an then.
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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Strangely it seems there's a greater (if not universal) tendency for thoose on the contemporary 'right' to look at and even seek out views from people and outlets that they don't think will be in accordance to their current views.

Unlike the contemporary 'left' which have a greater (but not universal) tendency either to demand and/ or inhabit a 'safe space' or to actively seek to no platform and /or shout down any sources of information that may not be in accordance with their existing world view.

I like to look at a wide range of sources as at least a partial antidote to confirmation bias.

Its rather sad that you apparently (?) don't think that exposing yourself to a conflicting view might just be healthy every now an then.

If it’s merely different views then why label it fake?
27 Jan 2009
If it’s merely different views then why label it fake?

CNN despite their protestations of being a 'real' news outlet have all too often been found out 'editorialising' their output and are arguably one of the most egregious offenders of the large players.

The are far from alone and this is not a position unique to the contemporary 'left'...

But I think there is for example a far greater wilingness in the 'right' to criticise Trump when he is perceived to be acting incorrectly but conversely an overwhelming williness of 'left' outlets to jump on any old story they can think can be spun against him whilst glossing over any failures closer to home.

Fake news is probably better used when a story is demonstrably false but still run with as it fits the 'narrative' or at least there is a clear lack of objectively in seeking information and checking sources.
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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
CNN despite their protestations of being a 'real' news outlet have all too often been found out 'editorialising' their output and are arguably one of the most egregious offenders of the large players.

The are far from alone and this is not a position unique to the contemporary 'left'...

But I think there is for example a far greater wilingness in the 'right' to criticise Trump when he is perceived to be acting incorrectly but conversely an overwhelming williness of 'left' outlets to jump on any old story they can think can be spun against him whilst glossing over any failures closer to home.

That doesn’t answer the question, there is a difference between criticism, difference of opinion and fake.

When Trump lies, over 8000 and counting and then reporting on it, the only fake in the news reporting is Trump, not the reporting. Showing the video of the lie coming out of Trump’s own mouth on his own face is what is it, there is no special effects that replaced his words and voice.

It’s just news.

It’s like me quoting you, how is the quote be fake?

It isn’t.
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