Fallen Earth - post apocalyptic mmo

4 Jun 2003
Fraggle Rock
Been playing this for the last few days - it's officially released next week, but pre-orders have had access since the 9th.

It's deep, complex, not particularly pretty, and reminds me a lot of SWG pre-lucasarts raping. Just about everything in the game can be crafted, levelling is very slow, and you're not led by the hand much. WoW / Aoin fans will HATE it :D

Impressions so far - crafting / resource gathering is the best I've seen since SWG.

Community is really good. Helpful and friendly. I believe there's faction based PvP later on in the game, but have no idea what's involved.

Graphics are actually not bad. No bloom or fancy effects, but lots of details and massive draw distance. Again, reminds me of SWG.

Backstory is brilliant, a lot more professional than I was expecting from such a small company.

Combat I'm not sure about at the moment. It's semi twitch based, you have to aim weapons. It feels a bit weird at the moment, but that might be because I have a crappy starter crossbow.

Atmosphere is cool, almost feels like a western with it being set around the grand canyon and with everyone on horses and rebuilding from low tech beginnings.

It's also classless - each time you level you assign points to whataver skills you want.

Some pics :

The UI is pretty cool, very customisable :



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Hows it work? Small scale 32 player matches? Large scale like planet side? Never played SWG - screenies look nice
Seem to remember looking this up a couple of months, had no idea it was anywhere near release. Love the idea of it!

Any trials around?
Could do with a starter guide - I was a bit disappointed when the intro sequence has you running around laying waste with a machine gun (much fun) then drops you into the world with a needle gun and a crossbow which takes about 8 shots to kill a rat. At that point its a mix of working out missions, crafting etc. without any real guidance. A beginners walkthrough would be magic.
No trials yet, I had to take the plunge and order it direct from the website (www.fallenearth.com). Glad I did though, it's a real breath of fresh air - mmo's have been getting more and more patronising recently, you can really get your teeth into this.
Was in the Beta for this for months and it is a fantastic game. The only problem is I think it will be one of those games that most people will try, hate, and then take great pleasure in trying to destroy by posting about how naff it is.

It is nothing at all like planetside, as others have mentioned it is more like SWG crossed with a similar atmosphere to Fallout 3. The game world is massive, and with the graphics maxed out can look quite nice in places, but for the most part the game has avarage graphics at best.

The character development is really good, you don't pick a class, as you level up you receive action points and you choose what area of character development you want to improve upon. You've got the basic character stats like Dexterity, Charisma, Intelligence etc, these cost 5 AP's to improve. But along with that you've also got Skills such as Rifles, Pistols, Melee, Armour Use etc which you can also spend AP's on to improve. Others stats imrove as you use the skill like the harvesting skills. Basically it is up to you to develop your character exactly how you want. Another advatage of the character development system is that you receive AP's as quest rewards, for gaining smaller chunks of XP, and for leveling up. This means you don't concentrate on what level you are at as much as some other MMO's because you don't just receive AP's when you 'ding'.

Crafting is really indepth, aparantly you can make around 90% of the items you see ingame as a crafter, I love the crafting side, it can be a pain in the backside finding all the mats because there are just so many and you sometimes forget what mats drop from which mobs, or which nodes you need to harvest. But once you get your head around it you'll soon be making some awesome rifles or motorbikes or whatever takes your fancy really. The other thing is that you can craft items and still run around doing whatever you want, it's a bit like EVE, you queue stuff up to craft and each item takes some time, so creating 80 crossbow bolts might take 10 minutes, but once you've started you can even logoff and your crafted items will be there for you.

Combat is a mixed bag at the minute, rifle and pistols can feel quite good, but melee feels a bit weak right now. I've probably waffled on too much already. At the minute the game is in early release for those who pre-ordered, there is currently only one server and it is very busy around the starter area's. The game client can be flakey and the game has plenty of bugs. Overall it reminds me of how EVE was when it started, I hope that it builds up a nice little playerbase and is given the time to develop into a great little MMO. Definately something different from the many 'Themepark' MMO's out there.
Thanks for that update. It sounds really interesting actually. Definitely something to be checked out. Is it still possible to get into the beta?

(I'd check myself but I'm in a bit of a rush in work atm)
Nope, it's live now. Not sure if you can get into the early access if you buy the client now, or have to wait until the 22nd at this stage.
According to a post on the FallenEarth forums, if you purchase the Direct 2 Drive version you should still get access straight away as part of the 'Early Access' promotion, along with an ingame Horse. I Can't vouch for that myself though. Anyway, a few tips for anyone who decides to maybe give the game a go, these are some of the most common questions asked on the 'New Player' chat channel:

1). Yes it is normal to start the tutorial at level 40, when complete you'll be level 1.

2). Yes you can skip the tutorial (useful because it is very buggy), use the very first computer console and it's the last option on the dialogue.

3). Yes you can craft your own horse, or purchase one, no level requirements before being able to use a mount.

4). Can't fire your weapon ? 'Tab' toggles you into/out of combat mode. So to use a weapon, hit 'Tab' first. (middle mouse button also works).

5). You can equip multiple weapons on 6 slots and use ctrl+1 - ctrl+6 to quick change weapons. 'G' lets you configure armour and weapon slots.

6). If your mount dies or runs out of fuel, you can go to a garage and have it towed, it will then be 'Parked' and you can resummon it. This will cost tough.

7). No you cannot dismiss your mount, you can 'Park' it at a garage, or just leave it somewhere though, when you next logon it will be wherever you left it.

8). Yes there is a death penalty - reduced item duaribilty and can render items 'broken' if not repaired, and from level 5 onwards you suffer cloning sickness which affects game stats.

9). South Burb is a great town to start in if you're into crafting, most of the quests will give you the starter skill books for the harvesting and crafting skills.

10). Zanesville is a great town to start in if you're into combat, it's mainly combat missions and you get plenty of ammo from quests as well as a shiney new crossbow and pistol towards the end of the starter quests.
Really useful info...

However, I shudder at thoughts of how macabre the game must be if you can "craft" your horse :D

Find a lady horse that you love very much.....:p

@ Sinny - the levels are really just to control how / when you can allocate skill points. It's less open to abuse than the raise-by-usage method, but still lets you have a custom character.
Looks quite interesting, Is the server based in US though, whats the ping/lag like?

Ping is kinda like what it was on Bria for me around 180 - 200ms, I played in the open beta, nice game, reminded me a bit of the old SWG.

Haven't got the money to pay for it at the moment else I would have done.
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