Fallen Earth - post apocalyptic mmo

I played the open beta and wasn’t impressed. Not sure why people are going on about the crafting system, seemed just the same as most mmos. You select your item, click a button and wait an arbitrary amount of time before the item appears. Just here things can take days to make, hardly fun or exciting. Sub-combines were a pain to make in EQ2, I imagine it would be the same here.

Combat was poor, having to press tab to target was very annoying if you used to FPS where you just shoot.

Questing was dull. Only being able to track one quest at time and not being able to scroll around the map to see where to go was annoying.

Seemed to be open character customisation but no guidance on how/what to spec isn’t good. Or how to undo things if you picked the wrong thing.

Finally the dev are out of touch with the market asking £30 pounds for the game and £15 a month. They are better free mmo’s out there, which I reckon will be the games fate.
Combat was poor, having to press tab to target was very annoying if you used to FPS where you just shoot.

Not sure what you mean here, you hit whatever you aim at. Not in front of the game at the moment, but I think it actually targets something now if you hit it.

Questing was dull. Only being able to track one quest at time and not being able to scroll around the map to see where to go was annoying.

Yeah, the single quest thing is a pain. You can however scroll around the sector map. Don't know why you'd think you can scroll around the overhead map, it's really just a large scale radar - if you could scroll around it you'd be able to see resource nodes miles from you.

Seemed to be open character customisation but no guidance on how/what to spec isn’t good. Or how to undo things if you picked the wrong thing.

There are now templates that you can activate, they show which skills you should be raising for a particular profession. They'll probably allow a single respec once the game's been going a few weeks.

Finally the dev are out of touch with the market asking £30 pounds for the game and £15 a month. They are better free mmo’s out there, which I reckon will be the games fate.

There's nothing else like it out there at the moment. Depends what you're into I suppose, but it's certainly a breath of fresh air compared to the increasingly cookie cutter mmo's being produced.

The crafting might not be to everyone's taste, but it fits very well with the post apocalyptic theme, and encourages people to work together, since it's damn hard to craft everything you need yourself.
thanks for opinions, going to wait for a trial.

the concepts sounds ideal, bit the execution is terrible, just like rest of the mmos from past 3-4 years.


Well done for trying something new and with more time & money I think it would be a very enjoyable game what I'd love to play with friends but none of us are prepared to fire £40 at something we know very about - a 14 day trial would be superb.
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I think the quest tracking of one at a time is done on purpose to slow people down, that may come back and slap them in the face and pees people off.

They need to smooth out combat a bit, switching from ranged to melee quickly is a pia (CTRL scrollwheel or 1-6), i keep sodding forgetting and only select 1 knife instead of 2 etc. Surely there is a way to just press one key to equip a weapon set, have I missed something?

Anyway its early days i suppose, gonna plod on, got a bit better last night once I'd levelled up to.....4! I think I was actually doing missions to high for me as I saw in my log I'd completely skipped the more suitable ones without even knowing it.

Oh btw if you buy from D2D to get the horse just download the installer from the Fallen Earth website( link is in one of their forum posts) as the D2D download is crazy slow, I was getting 2mbps on the Fallen Earths website installer link.
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Well done for trying something new and with more time & money I think it would be a very enjoyable game what I'd love to play with friends but none of us are prepared to fire £40 at something we know very about - a 14 day trial would be superb.

Same as Darkfall online. Trials = more subs
Here is the mini review I wrote for my clan members after I got into closed beta while back.

Overall: Fail.

Combat: Seems like they tried to copy Fallout 3 only of course without VATS. You semi-target stuff and semi-twitch stuff. You can switch between first and third person also. The effect is somewhat unsatisfying and the entire process is laggy and unresponsive.

PvE: Mobs have a stupidly small agro range and it seems you generally have to shoot them to start any combat. Their AI is lacking any kind of sense what so ever and mobs will get stuck even in a wide open road for apparently no reason.

PvP: Having played for a few hours now, I've yet to experience any PvP. I don't know where it is, how you get it or how it works. This is an epic, and I do mean EPIC, fail.

Skill system: As said the skill system is somewhat complex and annoying when the end result is no different than one would expect. Having what is essentially two systems to level up semi-independently of each other, but with one relying on the other, doesn't work that well.

Crafting: I've not really tried it much, but from what I see it puts you a step back from the actual crafting and focuses more on the gathering of the **** you need to actually make the stuff, which is mind numbingly boring and more or less random. The process of crafting itself is lacking any kind of interaction. In a game like SWG or EVE this worked as you had to work hard to get an object to a level that you wanted to mass-produce, but here it just seems like anything goes and there is no real sense of achievement what so ever from doing it. Not in any way original or SWG-like.

Quests: Dull, dull, dull. The boring, rubbish, generic, done-before crap you have seen in every MMO ever. Only this forces you do to them, pretty much, and they are not at all rewarding. Hate.

World design: The world design is good, but it's not a patch on Darkfall, which is the standard I will now hold all new MMO's too. Like Darkfall has proven to many though, a good game world is not everything. But it's nowhere near as good as Fallout 3 either. It's not open, expansive or exciting to explore.

Graphics: Graphics are lacking. I know people say they don't matter, but they do to a lot of people so it's important to note. They are worse than Fallout 3 and although inside environments look nice, the outdoor world is bland and generally weak. Shadows look pitiful and slowdown has been reported on less powerful computers.
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I downloaded(bought) this game from the companys website yesterday. Took around 7 hours :)

There are a few things that bugs me this early in the game.

Like for example when you use 1st person view, it does not use the same attack animations as the 3rd person view. Probably only cosmetic but still strange.

The NPC are as life like as the shop mannequins hehe.

At the turorial, taking the axe from the dead NPC does not remove the axe from the corpse!

Physics seem way off.

And finally but not least the graphics are extremely outdated. Its not even fair compare it with Fallout 3. Its thousands of miles behind. I actually cant remember any game in FPS mode that looks so terrible as this one. Even going back many years. And I have all settings in MAX.

And also, I could not make an attractive female face...

BR Anders
Here's a random pic of me and my horse, as a feeble excuse to bump the thread :p

I am very tempted to get this on steam, might take a few days to download though.

How is the game play in your opinion? I have been reading up on it and of course its the usual mixed bag but then the game is new and there is a lot to happen to the game in the future if it catches on well.

Also do you think its worth the monthly cost (£15 right? for now).


Ps, if i download it from steam or direct from the website will i be able to reinstall it when i get Win7retail? ( im actually new to the digital download scene )
Ok, you can download from steam as many times as you want. Just can't play on more than one PC at a time.

It's a weird game to try to describe. Very open world, doesn't pamper you at all. If you want weapons and equipment, you'll have to scavenge and craft them. This in itself is very compelling, and really captures the post-apocalyptic scarce resources vibe. It feels very like a western for the first few levels - everyone's on horses cos fuel is so scarce, a lot of the quests are defend-against-bandits storylines. You start off with lumps of lead pipe and crossbows, and only gradually start to be able to make proper guns and armour.

Graphics are...functional. Quite detailed with a massive draw distance, but a bit bland overall. Combat is a bit clunky too, but does get better as you get better weapons and abilities.

As to whether it's worth it, depends on your taste in mmo's. If you like to be led by the hand, get lots of gear from quests, and never have to actually think about what you're doing, you'll absolutely detest it.

If you like a bit more depth and complexity and a lot more freedom in how you develop your character, it'll keep your attention. I've played nothing else since I started at it.
I know some of you may got on their forums, any news of a trial?

Also, £15 a month is very steep compared to other MMOs. Why the price hike?
Felt sure I got £15 from this thread...doh!

Looking more tempting now.

If OF2 doesn't grab me by the balls I think a risking purchase might be in order.
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I think the only pre-order that makes you wait is the Steam one, not sure though.

Probably better off staying away for a few days after launch anyway. The early access was smooth enough, but I can see the server falling over a few times if a lot of people hit sector one tomorrow.

The leveling in the game is so slow and the first sector so big that nearly the entire population is still going to be in it. Embry Crossroads (the first major hub) has been straining under the weight of players the last few days.
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