Fallout 3 mods

You mean the 4GB patcher thing? Yeah I used the Oblivion one.

EDIT - the shader mod looks interesting (noticed this on the New Vegas site) but I don't like the total lack of documentation/any sort of user guide.
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You mean the 4GB patcher thing? Yeah I used the Oblivion one.

EDIT - the shader mod looks interesting (noticed this on the New Vegas site) but I don't like the total lack of documentation/any sort of user guide.

Probably could do with a bit more help included tbh. The installation instructions were not 100% clear(though all mods are the same really)
ATM my game is broken as i can not even start up, and disabling the esp does nothing. It will simply be a case of removing all of the files from my folder though.

I would like to get it to work, as it does look great, not that the game doesn't look amazing already. It is supposed to be a framerate killer though
Spoke too soon - crashed twice in a row while trying to enter a (different) interior cell.

However found this settings in FalloutPrefs.ini:


That's not a setting that can be changed in-game, but I figured it would be worth trying that at 0 to stop the game from autosaving when entering buildings. So far so good.
Thanks a lot for this great thread, mods and install advice ;). Installed a load of mods and its running great, just got to do the graphics mods now.

You guys were not joking how hard WFE and MMM makes the game, i cannot do the quickie mart quest as there are just 2 many tooled up guys in there, gonna have to restart the game and leave the spawn on normal not 1-3 i think

The only time the game has crashed is if i try and hit the door lock instead of lock picking, not sure why :confused:

Off to download more mods catch you later ;)
FO3 Enhanced shaders broke my game. I had to uninstall the mod(which was not easy finding all of the files tbh)

Anyway, here are a few more great story mods which i have installed, they are 3 of the bigger quest mods.

The Librarian - Orions Gate

This mod adds several new world spaces to explore, two new companions, Angelina and Sasha, and a few short quests to find them.

You will travel to new lands, fight some pretty tough battles and most likely get killed. Those who survive will rescue the girl and find paradise.
I have started this mod and it is very good so far. There is a fairly large worldspace to explore, with some nice touches
It is a WIP, but seems very good so far. There are also a few add-ons for it too

Enclave Base- Adds an Enclave Base to the area
This mod adds new interiors

A quest For Heaven is a great mod split up into 3 parts, all voice acted btw -

Episode 1

It's the first part from a much larger (intended) saga.
The first part is named- Secrets from the past- and cover the beginning of the adventure.
Part 1 it's a fairly large quest and i must say from the beginning, it was designed for a SOLO experience, so leave your companion in a safe place and proceed...

In this first part you will discover the traces of something called Project Heaven, witch purpose was to preserve the values of the country, people and technology.
Step by step you will uncover the past...and maybe you will find something usefull along the road.

Episode 2

Post-apocaliptic wasteland. So much knowledge, so many secrets, all lost...burnt down to ashes, or lost to time, forgotten.
But one of them refuses to lie quietly in its tomb? begging to be rediscovered.
Project Heaven now brings to you:

> a long and exciting story
> new places to discover and explore
> new weapons and armor, now with unique models

But above all else, a compelling adventure who will drag you from Earth to Heaven and back.

Episode 3 Prologue - Unfinished, but is still being updated.

So many lives lost, so many secrets lost...
But one of them refuse to die, just wait to be discovered.
Project Heaven is now revealing to you his final secret:

> new stories
> new environments
> new weapons
> new armor

A new fantastic adventure who will challange your mind and soul.

The Project
adds a quest and a new faction to the wasteland

As the Lone Wanderer, you stumble across a bunker under siege by Talon Company. Inside, you discover that Talon Company has targeted The Project for elimination. The Project, a consortium of ruthless tech hoarders, possesses many secrets within their bases across the wasteland. Hunt down the Project's leaders and make your way to Camp David, their center of operations. Eliminate them as they have eliminated so many innocent lives in their pursuit of advanced technology.
Adds a new quest to the game for the player to follow. Also adds a new technologically advanced faction, called The Project.
New maps to explore and an entirely new world space called Frederick County, which is situated north of DC. A G36c, M16A1, M249, MP5A4, MP5SD5, SVD Dragunov, and a M41A pulse rifle have been added to the game. A few unique weapons of my own creation have been added as well. To start the quest, simply enter the Springvale Bunker Entrance. Bring a LOT of stimpacks so you don't die!
Devoured In Darkness - I played this quite early and really enjoyed it.

One fine Wasteland day, your trusty Pip-Boy picks up a new radio signal... it seems to be some sort of cry for help, along with the promise of a rich reward. Answering it may be the last mistake of your all-too-short life...
-One horror-themed quest
-Dozens of voice-acted lines
-One new weapon and two new unique versions of old equipment, all properly balanced
-One outrageously powerful weapon usable at a particular point in the story
-A way to obtain the Cannibal perk via story events
-A possible, though "unofficial", player home
The Darkness - A little bit buggy, but still a good play

Deep down under the surface of the wasteland, lies another world, inhabited by gruesome creatures and evil Soldiers. Fight your way through your enemies to discover the truth!
It is a dark world, so you better pack your PipBoy and a Flamer, in case you have to light some candles.
It all starts with a terminal in the "Muddy Rudder", in the bowel of the iron ship called "Rivet City" and will lead you north of DC to several locations I created.
Darkness, the base-mod, is now a part of an even greater storyline, which will lead you to several locations north of DC and not only underground.
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I am really getting into the mod The Refuge now. Good story with some nice locations to visit. It is a bit hard though. After going to the Mongomery Pumping Station, i went from 32 stimpacks to 6 left now!!

This is the location they sent me to


Loads of Raiders there, luckily i had my FN Ffal acog (though it is the only weapon i have bullets for atm)


Made short work of them:p


Just thought this shot looked great:D Head Crippled


During the quest i killed a sniper who was holding this - The Armalite sniper rifle, added by this mod. It's very powerful!!
My new favourite weapon



Iwas badly crippled, but finally made it to Oasis

It starts in Cantebury Commons, so you can start it whenever you like. It will have you travelling quite a bit. Personally, the way i played is to do the main quest first without doing hardly any side quests, and then leave the xploring and side quests until after.

It just seems better to me to do it that way, as the story is quite focussed. Though it isn't like The Refuge is another campaign suchas A Quest For Heaven for example. it is a lot of medium sized quests.

Not getting to Rivet City, you are not far in to the game at all though. I would at least get further in to the game. Level 14 should be fine though (though i found it quite hard tbh)
This had just been uploaded to the Fallout 3 Nexus- A20 Vision Fix

This mod adds;
-Headbobbing in 1st person
-Motionblur in 1st person
-Ingame configuration tool- Find it in the 'apparel' section of your pipboy.

Looks like it might add a bit to the game visually if Motion blur or DOF are your thing:)

The modder seems to be getting some quite harsh and(i think) uncalled for criticism, as people seem to think he based the code on some from another mod.
Anyway, i have just installed it and i have noticed a difference.

I'll get some screenies up with the improved DOF soon, as it does look better in certain lights.
Can't quite make my mind up about the DOF tbh. Here are a few screenies.

I think that it does look better when you have a large area to view. I haven't tried it in a confined area yet though






It certainly looks better in motion, during the game really. Plus the head bobbing is actually a really nice addition. I have never liked Motion blur though. I know some people do though.

I have accidentally started Mothership Zeta now. Completely forgot about it then suddenly came across it.



It might be a good thing though, as i am wandering through the wasteland with my head and leg crippled with no stimpacks, just morphine and i keep getting killed, as my power armour is shot
It makes it look as though someone has lowered the draw distance, that's all.

Yeah kind of. But when you are out in the open sometimes it does look a bit bare(it's supposed to of course:p) With DOF on, it does look a bit better as you can't see the lack of detail in distant objects.

There is a menu though, so everything can be turned on/off as you wish.
I have just downloaded a load of modding tutorials for weapons, icons, armours etc. I am going to have a go at creating a few weapons i think next week.

If it goes well, i think i might try making a follower. I am really wanting to try making mods for New Vegas really, but i might as well try this first as it's what i'm playing atm:D

Does anyone have any experience in modding FO3?
How was it? How hard is it?
Still playing the quests from the mod "The Refuge" atm. Really enjoying it.

I have just done a mission where it ent me in to the DC ruins and i came across an epic battle.

First i had to make my way through the Irradiated Metro


Only to find the Talon Company just outside


After taking care of them, me and my followers came across a Brotherhood Outpost where they had just killed some Enclave, so i picked up this Power Armour ans Ion Sniper Rifle, both retextured and look great:D


They had obviously just killed a load of Super Mutants


Then an Enclave Vertibird landed and it all kicked off big time!!!








A good days work:cool:


Wouldn't have stood a chance without Impervious Power Arnour, BOS patrols or my followers though
No it is a quest mod which sends you all over the wasteland, it is very good. I linked to it on the last page i tihnk. It starts in a new shop in Cantebury Commons, and gives you about 4 different quests to do, with one being the main quest line and a few side missions. So far, i have done the first 2 missions of the main story and one of the side missions and i think it is very goosd indeed.

Technically it is incompatible with Cantebury Commons Embiggened, but you can hardly tell. The only thing that happens is the door to the shop where the missions start is not well aligned with the building.

How's your game going?
I have the NMC high res textures & bump mapping installed and when I install The Refuge it wants to overwrite 3 of the textures added by NMC. Should I let it?
No it is a quest mod which sends you all over the wasteland, it is very good. I linked to it on the last page i tihnk. It starts in a new shop in Cantebury Commons, and gives you about 4 different quests to do, with one being the main quest line and a few side missions. So far, i have done the first 2 missions of the main story and one of the side missions and i think it is very goosd indeed.

Technically it is incompatible with Cantebury Commons Embiggened, but you can hardly tell. The only thing that happens is the door to the shop where the missions start is not well aligned with the building.

How's your game going?

Haven't had time to play, but I'm pretty sure it's stable now.
Just FYI, i have played quite a few of The Refuge's quests now and they are very good, however it is very buggy and unfortunately it is no longer being updated. Though there are talks on Fallout Nexus of someone releasing some fixes for it.

I would recommend only enabling the mod when you want to play it, because so far i have had lost of clashes with MMM, **** and DC Interiors(i can not enter a DC interior!)
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