This mod truly is what will make dead old ghouls wish they were alive, and Brahmin want to actually eat the grass they see! Not only does it make the world we once new better and more sightly, but it adds key game play mechanics that should have been there in the first place.
What does the mod do? It adds more grass, not just dead old grass, but green pastures and rolling hills, which provide a better and more fun game-play experience for the user, and remember those old dead sticks they call trees? Well, those have shed there old bark and grown new leaves, Ive added a sneak bonus when in grass to provided for sniping and pick pocketing only a true scoundrel would enjoy...
Not only it adds fun but it gives the game-play more since, by analising the AI path finding i have added trails so for those who don't want to get Rad-ticks on them they can stay on path! and whats the fun if you cant sneek up on a enemy?!