Fallout 3 mods

Isn't adding followers cheating though?
Not really. I suppose it might unbalance the game if you use 10+ at the same time. They can die though, Butch died in my game.

I never use more than 2 at the same time when actually playing the game anyway.

In vanilla you can use 2 at the same time. (1+dogmeat)

Fawkes can unbalance the game if you give him a flamer or a minigun
Yeah but you have to find those and not just bolt them on, that said the game isn't exactly easy without a follower!

I noticed you guys talk about **** and Enhanced Weather, do they run side-by-side because I've added **** and now Fallout won't load?

All of the followers that i mentioned above have to be found in the same way as vanilla followers.

Sydney and Lucy West are characters from the game and will only join you once you have done the vanilla quests for them (stealing Liberty for Sydney and Blood Ties for Lucy West)
The other companions are scattered around in various settlements and will join you if you ask them, like most vanilla followers do.

If it will not load it is almost certainly a load order problem, either in the wornd order or missing a plugin

**** is a large overhaul which changes much of the base game. It has nothing to do with enhanced weather.
They work fine together.

Try reading the descriptions on the Nexus. I will not be around for a while as i need to sleep now (just done a night shift)
Here is my current load order if it helps. My game is now completely stable. I still get the occasional ctd, but you will never get this game absolutely stable. Even vanilla often crashes for people

It's a long one!

I have bolded the **** plugins

TNW - ItemList.esm
Republic of Dave Expansion Mod.esm
Vault 101 Revisited.esm
The Librarian.esm
Project Genesis.esm
20th Century Weapons.esm
Impervious Power Armour.esm
FOOK2 - Main.ESM
FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.ESM

Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow.esm
Sydney Follower.esp
UPP - Pack 1.esp
UPP - Pack 2.esp
UPP - Experience Perks.esp
CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp
CONELRAD 640-1240.esp
Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp
Tactical Weapons by gRs Frederyck.esp
BuildableBots v0.3a.esp
Wasteland Travel Caravans.esp
TNW - Core.esp
TNW - NPCs.esp
Devoured in Darkness.esp
The Librarian - Market Comes Alive.esp
The Librarian - Market Music.esp
Wasteland Rebuilt.esp
Republic of Dave Expansion Mod.esp
Canterbury Commons Interiors Embiggened.esp
Big Town Overhaul.esp
LeatherBackpack - eng.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
Bottle That Water.esp
Stealth Kills Enabled.esp
Stealth Kills Enabled - Pitt Compatibility.esp
FOOK2 - Main.esp
FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp
FOOK2 - Main [Hotfix].esp
FOOK2 - DIK [Hotfix].esp

WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp
WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp
WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp
WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp
WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp
WeaponModKits - ****.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
MMM, FOOK2.esp
MMM, FOOK2 - DIK.esp
MMM, FOOK2 - Natural Selection.esp
Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp
Enhanced Weather - Sneak Bonus during Storms.esp
Enhanced Weather - Weather Sounds in Interiors.esp
Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp
RiPnO CorePatch.esp
CP - RiPnO [MMMRC6] Ingestibles.esp
Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp
James Invisible wall bugs remove V3.esp

Total active plugins: 139
Total plugins: 147
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I worked out I had the DLC checked too, which I don't have ... doh!

Still, managed to get my first CTD with **** when entering Pipboy! :(

Might avoid **** if it makes the game unstable.

If you don't have the dlc, i din't think you could check it:confused: It shouldn't show up in FOMM.

If you don't have them i assume you don't have the GOTY version. Are you sure you have it patched to 1.7? Most mods need 1.7 and will not work with an earlier version

Also, are you sure you have FOSE set up right?
All you have t o do with FOSE is put all of the files included in the folder into your Fallout 3 folder.
You then open up FOMM and click on launch FOSE. You must do this every time you play the game.

This might be your problem with pauses.

You should always start the game through this button if you are running mods
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I just checked and I am doing that!

Thanks for taking the time to take a screenshot.

I'm going to trying playing with **** again and see if I get any more random crashes.

tbh, **** isn't the easiest mod to get working, but if you follow the advice on this page and download all of the files it recommends to you then it will work fine. (part 1,2 and 3 of data, the main files and the hotfixes)
It will certainly work with no problems if it is the only mod you use:)

And if you use other mods, make sure you get the appropriat compatability patches
I only have DarfUI, MMM, Enhanced weather, faster run and backpack thus far.

I'll have a fiddle!

Out of interest is the DLC worth my time or should I just move on to New Vegas after F3?

Firstly, i loved all of the dlc! Also, some mods actually require all of the dlc. In fact, i think most do especially the bigger mods. Pretty sure **** and MMM do actually.

FOOK2 and MMM definitely need a compatability patch to work together. This is best achieved by going straight to the **** website to download as the one on the nexus is out of date.
Out of date Compatability patches will almost certainly cause the game to crash.

Here is the site to dl **** patches-


The most up to date cp's are included in the signature of the member BAN

btw the most up to date version of **** 2 is 1.2 open beta and MMM is R6.1
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Here are some more screenies

With Lucy West Follower. Also, Fallout Reanimated is shown in the way he aims
And the Norinco chambered Assault rifle, part of Underground Hideout mod

EVE, part of FOOK2. The explosions are much better with this on

The Casino in Cantebury Commons. Part of the Overhaul.

Being attacked bt a Yao Guai. Retextured by MMM, look much more fierce now

Came acroos a Supermutant Overlord here. He Very nearly kiiled me.

Lucy wasn't so lucky though:(

I have the nights incredibly dark thanks to Fellout.

But nightvision helps a lot. With both **** and FWE, nightvision is built in to Power Armour. I don't even think there is nightvision in vanilla

In retrospect, i should have given Lucy West more than just a fllicknife!!
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There isn't a big black box around your moon at night :( I wonder why mine has got one, is the moon part of Fellout?

I'm not totally sure if Fellout changes the moon.

You could always try this High res moon I have not tried it, but it does not mention any conflict with Fellout

There is also this- High Res Night Sky. Again, i have not used it, but i probably will. Also does not mention any conflict with Fellout.

Even if there is a conflict it will probably be easily resolved by loading them after Fellout.

EDIT- Don't bother with these, i just tried them and it looks worse!
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Here are a few more screenshots:)

First off. Here's the pipboy. I haven't explored half of those locations so far!:eek:

This is Fort Freeway, a player home which i have used.

Here are a few screenshots showing off Streetlights. There are no streetlights in Vanilla, because the nights are so bright.
This really is one of my favourite mods, greatly enhances nighttime during the game. Especially with darker nights on.

Again, this is included in FOOK2 or you can download it seperately

With something going down in the Mall

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LOL. Looking back at those screenshots, i was thinking that it looks nowhere near as good as i remember it. Especially the view distance. Then i realised that the other day i replaced my INI file and forgot to add some lines and change some things. I have now done this and it looks much better. Textures are much sharper and View distance has been doubled.

If anyone is interested, there is a great guide to improving graphics or performance here- http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html

Alternatively you can download a custom INI from the Nexus, there are loads on there
Presumably the FWE has kicked up the difficulty or I'm trying to run before I can walk =P Still only level 2.

I need some health !!! :p

FWE massively increases the difficulty, but you should be able to configure it with the ingame menu to turn it down a bit, at least until you get to a higher level.

You can sleep in Moriarty's in Megaton , but it is a bit expensive early on, and you can only sleep there once. Alternatively with the More2Megaton mod, there is also a hotel in megaton which is very cheap and you can sleep there for a week:)
It is very strange, If it's possible would you be able to upload your sky folder for me under the Fallout 3 data? I'd just replace what I'm using, see if it fixes it, it's fine if you can't though. :D
Also is that the standard laser pistol in your above screenshot, I have EWE and EVE and none of them have blue lazers :( Damn my method of modding.

I can upload it, but i will ahve to check if i have any other textures in there from other mods. (not that i am sure it will make a difference) I'll try in a bit.

That laser pistol is Colonel Autumns AP Pistol. It is a unique weapon that you only get at the end of the main story. (thought it is just the normal laser pistol with higher damage) It has a laser sight on it, which was added by Weapons Mod Kits which allows you to mod every weapon in the game. You can buy weapons mod kits from some traders or loot them from some dead people

Every weapon texture is replaced and every weapon is renamed by FOOK2. Also, every ammo is changed so that guns rarely share ammo. For example, in vanilla both the Sniper Rifle and the Hunting rifle use .308, but eith ****, because more ammo is added, they use different types. Makes ammo more scarce basically. Good feature.
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I added the streetlights mod also, and they're awesome!

They are really essential if you have the darker nights from Fellout. The effects during the night, especially around the mall are brilliant.

I can't see a thing without them on at night. That picture of the Super-Duper Mart would be completely black without the Streetlight mod!
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Any recommend somewhere for a good guide on how to install most mods?

I'm not really sure about guides tbh. When you download any mod from Fallout Nexus, in the mod description there is an Installation instructions bit.
Most mods are very simple to install. It is just a case of putting the files in the right folder.

The thing that you need guiding on is compatability and load order, but there is plenty of info on that on the site as well:)

Fallout Nexus has some great forums as well, there is probably a guide on there somewhere

Here you go for a start - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=60
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Enjoy mate. **** is a great overhaul when you get it right Make sure you set up all your options in the menu.

Any idea why it didn't work before?

I would still strongly recommend downloading CASM though. It manages savegames very well.

I have tweakedthe INI a bit more and got it looking much better now. I will post a few more screenies soon:)
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