FAO Dons or Admins.

20 Nov 2006
I know this is going to get locked or deleted but I have no other option at the moment.

Could a don or admin please contact me regarding my access to the members market. I have e-mailed a number of you without response.

Contact would be appreciated.

My e-mail address is in trust.

Thanks in advance.
Tried the contact route when i had a suspension recently, had no response :(
I apparently trashed a thread but got a suspension, which doesn't match the rules.
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If you can't read a FAQ you don't deserve access. :p

I'm sure your emails wouldn't get ignored. Maybe you just need to wait longer for a reply.

Well ive admitted to my mistake but it was just that, I did nothing on purpose, knowing I was breaking rules.

I think its been over a year since my access was removed and since then, I've sent over 8 e-mails.
Clearly, if two people who have posted here have had no resposne to emails, the issue lies with you Burnsey, no (or the system in someway).

Perhaps, email damiem so that he can reply to the email you send him, even if your email is blank.
I have proof of e-mails sent, and its not just one or two of them.

Like above, I am not the only person with issues regarding the moderation of this forum either. That said i have had to e-mail burnsy myself, its obviously to difficult for him to e-mail me as I requested.
This isn't a public service. If the staff even reply at all you should be thankful. If they ignore you then that's their call.

I despise it when people talk to me on my forum as if I should somehow be catering to their every whim.

Here's the deal : My website. You don't like it, go somewhere else or make your own. It's that simple.

You might want to consider that when posting on OTHER PEOPLES forums.
Like above, I am not the only person with issues regarding the moderation of this forum either.

I think the moderation is fine, if anything the wrong punishment was a better outcome for me so I can't argue too much :P
I have proof of e-mails sent, and its not just one or two of them.

Like above, I am not the only person with issues regarding the moderation of this forum either. That said i have had to e-mail burnsy myself, its obviously to difficult for him to e-mail me as I requested.

I've responded to your email.
This isn't a public service. If the staff even reply at all you should be thankful. If they ignore you then that's their call.

If this was any old public forums I'd agree with you but OcUK is a business and that changes the rules IMO. Anyway, just for politeness' sake it's good to get back to someone. Although I don't know what Damien's done - he might be totaly annoying!
If this was any old public forums I'd agree with you but OcUK is a business and that changes the rules IMO. Anyway, just for politeness' sake it's good to get back to someone. Although I don't know what Damien's done - he might be totaly annoying!

OcUK IS a business, the forums are not, they are just sponsored by a business. Slightly different . . . . The forum does reflect on the shop though.
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