Far Cry 4 due this November

Played about an hour of the first game, gave up. Just did'nt enjoy it, thought it was awful. And so, did'nt bother with any of the others.
FC3 got boring quick.
It got boring for me the moment I realised I'd have to waste time hunting boring animals just so I could craft a sodding decent sized inventory i.e the start. I found it extremely buggy too, which was probably why I didn't enjoy the game as much as I did FC1.
It got boring for me the moment I realised I'd have to waste time hunting boring animals just so I could craft a sodding decent sized inventory i.e the start. I found it extremely buggy too, which was probably why I didn't enjoy the game as much as I did FC1.

I found this frustrating at first, however I ended up hunting far too much and really enjoying it. That and exploring the Island, the missions however I found meh.
Awesome, loved FC3.

As long as it has C4 explosives and Mines then Im happy, nothing better than laying a trap when a jeep full of blokes with AK's turn up :D
It got boring for me the moment I realised I'd have to waste time hunting boring animals just so I could craft a sodding decent sized inventory i.e the start. I found it extremely buggy too, which was probably why I didn't enjoy the game as much as I did FC1.

Was just about to post something very similar to this. I didn't get on with FC3 either and I really enjoyed the first game.
I thought FC2 had a pretty solid story and pretty environment (let's forget the checkpoints).
FC3 looked great, but really you could always see a road and it never felt 'big' nor terribly remote. To me the crafting element was flimsy and tacked on to make it an 'rpg' like all games have to be now.
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