Far Cry is going Post Apocalyptic (Far Cry 6)

Edit, I'll take back what I said before, really enjoying this now.

Graphics are stunning, wildlife is great, not bored now I've got into it a bit. About 3.5 hours in now :)
Is this set in the same place as FC5, same areas etc.? I like FC games but 5 was garbage and this looks like an expansion for 5?

If you had played FC5 to the end you would know what Far Cry New Dawn is about ;) its a direct follow on with the story.
The story and forced abductions destroyed it.

they were a bad mechanic, couldnt escape them, it would have been good apart from that. The story wasnt that bad. I like farcry thery just need to figure out what they want to do with the series, they seem just to throw everything in and hope it turns out ok.
I liked 5 but a friend of mine finished this in 8hrs so it's not getting bought until less than a tenner and maybe not even then.
I guess your friend gets kicks from speedrunning through games to see how quick they can complete them. I'm 8 hours in and 26% through, just taking my time enjoying the usual Far Cry experience which I'm enjoying, more so than with 5.
I liked FC1 and FC4, tried playing FC1 recently but the graphics just too old fashioned now. FC5 was great visually but the copious cut scenes drove me mad. Storyline forcing bit too much as well, you seemed not to be able to go off the path enough. I probably explained that badly.

I will see if this drops in price considering number of hours it takes, it seems to be a mega DLC rather than new game. Will likely buy Rage 2 first.

Meanwhile I am playing the original Crysis again, nowadays I can hit my capped 60fps :) Unlike FC1 the graphics are still good and I had forgotten how open the none open world was. Also, it is immersive without so many modern day clues for console folks to be able to do anything .......
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