You do need to enable them in options, the above makes it sound like you don't.No need to enable in options
Is this set in the same place as FC5, same areas etc.? I like FC games but 5 was garbage and this looks like an expansion for 5?
Why are the weapons so rubbish?
If you had played FC5 to the end you would know what Far Cry New Dawn is about its a direct follow on with the story.
If you had played FC5 to the end you would know what Far Cry New Dawn is about its a direct follow on with the story.
The story and forced abductions destroyed it.
I guess your friend gets kicks from speedrunning through games to see how quick they can complete them. I'm 8 hours in and 26% through, just taking my time enjoying the usual Far Cry experience which I'm enjoying, more so than with 5.I liked 5 but a friend of mine finished this in 8hrs so it's not getting bought until less than a tenner and maybe not even then.
Finished this last night. I enjoyed it, but it ruined Far Cry 5 for me.
Lol what did you expect
Because you need to upgrade them to tier II, III and IV
I just got tier III weapons and the saw launcher V2 is brutal.
I should clarify; I've played through Far Cry 5. The ending of New Dawn stripped me of any desire to replay it.