US: Fargo

If they were going to do a series 2 I'd prefer to see it set in the past about Lou Solverson in his Sioux Falls era. But as they've said if they did it would have different characters then I suppose that won't be it.
Can't see where a second series will go considering their "Based on a true story" basis of the show. And the way the show ended.
Take the rabbit across, come back.
Take the fox across, come back with the rabbit.
Take the cabbage across, come back.
Take the rabbit across, get out the boat.

That gave me a serious sense of deja vu back when Martin Freeman was Tim in The Office :D

I thought this series was brilliant, loved the ending.
Ohhh Yaaaa, so what was with all the comedy accents? I don't know if it was done on purpose to add some sort of comic relief to break up the tension but it was just off putting for me.

Great show though, really enjoyed it. End was not what I was hoping for, but still very good.
Ohhh Yaaaa, so what was with all the comedy accents? I don't know if it was done on purpose to add some sort of comic relief to break up the tension but it was just off putting for me.

THat's just how they sound in Minnesota.
If they were going to do a series 2 I'd prefer to see it set in the past about Lou Solverson in his Sioux Falls era. But as they've said if they did it would have different characters then I suppose that won't be it.

From the link posted above, looks like you will get your wish

* Season 2 — which is influenced by the Cohen brothers’ Fargo, Miller’s Crossing and The Man Who Wasn’t There — is “going to be the story of Sioux Falls,” Hawley revealed. “It will take place in 1979.” As such, a younger version of Keith Carradine’s character Lou Solverson, aka Molly’s dad, will be introduced. It was established on the show that in 1979, he worked on a Sioux Falls task force with oneday Duluth police lieutenant Ben Schmidt, who will also “factor in there somewhere” in Season 2. The Lou that viewers meet in 1979 is a 33-year-old man recently returned from Vietnam who “thought he’d left the war behind and here it is, it’s domestic [now].”

Sounds good.
Just finished the series- absolutely spellbinding, from the brilliant acting to the awe-inspiring production. B.B.T is just phenomenal in this! I'd without hesitation rank it in my top 10 TV shows of all time. :)
really enjoyed this! i did find that the general tweeness grated on me a little towards the end, though, with the over-abundance of writer-y monologues! a little too knowing on both counts. still recommend though. loved Dennis from It's Always's Sunny's cameo as the d*ckbag personal trainer!
Just finished watching this last night, what an absolutely fantastic show.

Quite refreshing too to just have a single series story with an end! :)

To agree with everything said, BBT was immense in this, as well as Allison Tolman.

So I got the overtones from some things that happened that BBT's character was some sort of supernatural character, even maybe the devil himself. Was this just for effect to intensify the evil air about him or were they intentionally hinting that?
Great series. I watched it when it was airing and couldn't wait for the week to pass by so I could watch the next episode. As others have said, some excellent acting it.

Apparently part (if not all) is a true story !

Can't wait for a second series :)
Just got round to watching all of this. Imo this is one of the best pieces of tv ever crafted. Incredible storytelling, cinematography and acting - everyone involved in this project must be very pleased with themselves in what I can imagine were pretty brutal filming conditions.

So many standout scenes, but I have to say the shootout with the FBI outside was really really clever.
It started off as a slow burner but definitely ramped up towards the end and went very dark. I look forward to see what they come up with season 2 and more importantly who they cast!
From what I understand Season 2....

will be depicted 19 years before the events of series 1 and obviously feature none of the actors but include a younger sheriff, the guy who was shot.

Also I liked the fact that after watching the film Fargo it explained a little more....

about the meaning of the red ice scraper, I liked that

The series itself was superb and thoroughly entertaining, I particularly enjoyed the character Lorne Malvo.
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