Well it's certainly a Fast film, they brought Statham back for this wonder if The Rock will end up appearing too.
I bloody this this franchise, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Brain off action. I don't care what anyone says! This is the last one now too, fast 11 is two part continuation of Fast X
Trailer looks great. I only started watching since F5, when Dwayne Johnson joined the franchise. Now The Rock would never come back to these candy ass movies and work with a Jabroni like Vin Diesel, but they're still a lot of semi mindless fun!

I didn't even really understand about how Han came to life in the last one fully, but in the end it matters very little, and I never saw the Tokyo film which it's all related to. :D

As someone else said, a guilty pleasure franchise, which I'll happily pay to watch on the big screen!

I know it's redundant to say this at this point in the Franchise - but bloody hell it's just ridiculous :D
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