Fat, healthy and happy.

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SherberT* said:

Totally cool man. I am currently at 0.05mm.

WTF? Someone please explain the background on this
jezsoup said:
but hwat if you stretch slower? a la penski?

Well the actual physical size of your earlobes is the main factor, but there's ways people beef their lobes up. Vitamin E oil makes them a bit stronger, and going very slow gives the ear more time to adjust and heal between stretches. Tbh I went too fast with mine and it blew out a bit, but as I said it doesn't matter too much as I'm not planning on ever going above 20mm. Also I've heard that going up, then down a bit, then back up can strengthen/thicken your lobes but tbh I dunno if it's true.
chris_r said:
WTF? Someone please explain the background on this

It's a tribal thang. I believe it's something to do with marriage, and getting a good husband. They don't wear the plate in it all the time, I think once it's stretched up, they leave it out. I'm unsure though.
[TW]Fox said:
I'm going to try a new idea - I'm simply going to post, on the assumption that penski can imagine exactly what I'm thinking without me needing to say it :D

I love you too, schnookums.

Besides, I've seen your gallery on BMEhard - 'Mondeo' inked somewhere very private...

Tried&Tested said:
Your friend Harriet looks a bit nice.

Hell, yeah.

Looks cool with the black ear bit...horrible all dangling about. :eek:

Hehehe...You knows it :p

jezsoup said:
Pardon the ignorance but what defines your lobes limit

Initial lobe size, speed of stretching, technique used, skin elasticity...Loads of things...

Saberu said:
Why would you want to deform your ear lobes like that? :eek:

I like the way they look and feel.

Although I do think the plugs look cool the holes in the ears are scary!

Yeah - you get a bit of a cat's arse effect without jewelery in.

Neon said:
Right... and we needed to know about your plug size because?...

Quality trolling there from, Neon. May I suggest that you reply to every other thread with 'we needed to know this because?...'

jezsoup said:
his pwns penskis!!

My lip's only at 6mm...Unfortunately, the current climate in the UK prevents me from going bigger.

jezsoup said:
but what if you stretch slower? a la penski?

I've always had big, fat lobes...I also have brilliantly-placed piercings and going very slowly has allowed my lobes to adjust to the new sizes easily. Going fast can lead to blowouts or thinning of the tissue.

chris_r said:
WTF? Someone please explain the background on this

It's a stretched lip piercing, designed to accomodate a large plug.

penski said:
I love you too, schnookums.

Besides, I've seen your gallery on BMEhard - 'Mondeo' inked somewhere very private...


You know what, it would be funny to get him drunk and actually do that to him, who's in it? :D
penski said:
Quality trolling there from, Neon. May I suggest that you reply to every other thread with 'we needed to know this because?...'


hmmm.. just wondering why we to know thats all, i take it your chuffed with them? :)
Neon's happy again eh? Once you find out hes a gay little softie it's hard to take his posts offensively. :)
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