Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
However, when the mechanism of death is food, all of a sudden its open season, she was one of the worst people to have lived blah blah. I'm not sure I see the mentality here?

That's because you're missing the point.

She died because despite getting help she still continued on with her eating habit. She was obviously one of those people who despite their protestations to the contrary are actually not prepared to give up their habit/addiction.

She was given all the help she needed to slim down and save her own life but instead chose Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Food is a secondary factor in this thread, it could quite easily have been cigarettes or drugs that she craved and sent people out to get despite being in hospital receiving treatment for the consequences of her lifestyle.

She is not one of the worst people to have lived -just one of the stupidest. You don't do that to yourself, be given an chance of salvation and throw it back into the faces of those trying to help you unless you are chronically stupid.
18 Oct 2002
Greater Manchester
yea its called will power...id just love to eat all day and night, id even eat kfc if i had to.

but excercise some restraint and maybe things wong turn out all bad?

Absolutely, but are you *sure* that when you had eaten enough that you were in constant physical pain and could feel that things were going horribly wrong inside you, you would keep eating?

I know I wouldn't. Hell I sometimes can't physically eat another mouthful I'm so full.

Yet this woman ate until (I imagine) her internal stitches burst. She must have been in agony for most of the time.

It might have started out as a willpower thing years and years before, but at this point there was something else wrong.

Again, I'm not suggesting sympathy, but perhaps a little empathy wouldn't go amiss rather than just full on scorn from people who never even met her?
18 Oct 2002
Greater Manchester
That's because you're missing the point.

She died because despite getting help she still continued on with her eating habit. She was obviously one of those people who despite their protestations to the contrary are actually not prepared to give up their habit/addiction.

She was given all the help she needed to slim down and save her own life but instead chose Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Food is a secondary factor in this thread, it could quite easily have been cigarettes or drugs that she craved and sent people out to get despite being in hospital receiving treatment for the consequences of her lifestyle.

She is not one of the worst people to have lived -just one of the stupidest. You don't do that to yourself, be given an chance of salvation and throw it back into the faces of those trying to help you unless you are chronically stupid.

Not at all, I got the point, my point is that the help wasn't correct.

I don't know what help is correct in these situations.

Stupidity and mental illness are two very different things. Some would say that Elvis wasn't a stupid man, yet by all accounts he effectively ate himself to death.

I guess unless you have experienced the very odd phenomenon of something inside you compelling you to do something you absolutely know is bad for you yet the compulsion is so strong that it takes an incredible amount of willpower (which some people in more dire situations than my own may not possess) to stop yourself from doing it, then perhaps you can't even empathise.

I don't feel scorn towards her, ultimately I feel sorry for her. I feel sorry that the solution offered was surgery, I feel sorry that her family were so misguided that they didn't stop her, I feel sorry that nobody on a busy ward noticed their patient scoffing their way through so much KFC (huge buckets are hard to hide when the only way to dispose of them is in the hospital bins themselves. And most of all, I feel sorry for her that she wasn't able to exercise that self control most people take for granted.

Clearly, it WAS her own fault, but to just say she was a stupid woman is dismissing the whole issue in a Sun/Daily Mail fashion and not even trying to understand the issue, just using it has a laughing post / soap box (matched to the appropriate papers above), which personally I struggle with when its somebody's death we are talking about.

EDIT: Fine a heart attack then, whichever, the method of death is irrelevant, I missed that when I skim read the "article" on the Sun website. TBQH if she had a heart attack she may have been going to have one anyway, somebody of that size is always at massive risk when undergoing anaesthetic.

I am not suggesting sympathy, I have just been on this forum for quite a while now and am slowly getting sick of threads which allow people to vent some unknown spleen of hatred towards people who damage themselves and who have had absolutely no effect on the people who posts lives whatsoever. The posts are always full of one sided, not thought through arguments with no attempt to empathise whatsoever and it always just seems like they are an open way for people to pour some derision onto another human being (that they don't even know) and to feel a bit high and mighty if only for a few moments.

EDIT 2: And yes, I know that if you want to be very pedantic and regurgitate what the papers use as their reason for publishing these "articles", then indirectly she did effect your lives by putting pressure on the NHS. But its a very flimsy to back up the reasoning of actually hating this woman. If she had never existed, the difference to the NHS wouldn't have been noticeable to you, and ultimately the NHS agreed to do her surgery as it was, I imagine, the cheaper option rather than the better one.
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18 Oct 2002
My other half's cousin died last month through obesity, they kept finding kit kat wrappers and Greggs cake boxes under her bed as the family (and the stupid loner feeder boyfriend) kept giving in to her constant demands which they did through their own thoughts of love for her.
At the funeral we were not allowed at the grave side while they lowered her in due to H&S regs as they had to use heavy lifting equipment.
I always said that the boyfriend should have been charged with manslaughter.
Last year she went to Germany to have treatment for her lymphedema, the bad news was that it was in The Black Forrest area and you know what that area is famous for :)
the hospital ended up taking the batteries out of her electric wheel chair to stop her from going down to the village cake shop, her and the other residents were on first name terms with the baker........all sad. poignant and true!
18 Oct 2002
I feel sorry for her. Many of us have a bad day at work or feel a little down and some of us just start eating crap to make ourselves feel better and just can't stop eating. She probably felt like this every single day - as manic man says, she was probably lacking some subconscious brain function that got her into this state. In her case it was an addiction and perhaps it should've been treated like a drug addiction since her case was so severe.
16 Nov 2009
While clearly this woman lacked will-power and other such generally indescribable things, and also I don't expect anybody to offer sympathy as they themselves are able to refrain from eating until they die, I do wonder, if you stop and think for just a moment and empathise just slightly, can you imagine what drove her to do this?

Clearly there was something wrong in her brain somewhere. The human mind is supposed to have mechanisms to stop it from doing this to itself and the body it's attached to, yet somehow she was able to overlook all of her own common sense (and lets not be unrealistic she WILL have had a voice in her head saying "STOP for Gods sake STOP!") We hear of somebody who destroys them self due to some form of mental illness of some kind or other, perhaps we don't feel sympathy, yet we (or at least I) don't hate that person enough to start a thread scoffing at their death, I might try and understand why they did it, but that's all. However, when the mechanism of death is food, all of a sudden its open season, she was one of the worst people to have lived blah blah. I'm not sure I see the mentality here?

On a different tangent however, as unbalanced as something in her clearly was, her family really ought to answer for themselves. Her husband wasn't a fat man himself, he clearly didn't have an issue with stopping eating when his brain told him too, so why on Earth couldn't he see that she was going to die?? You don't give somebody who is suicidal the rope to hang themselves, no matter how much they beg...

Yeah the thing wrong in her brain was that she was a total scumbag. It reminds me of when Jamie Oliver was doing his school meals campaign and there were a group of ***** mums taking chip shop orders for the kids over the school railings. The usual scraped-back hair, Argos jewellery and pound-shop grins were in abundance.
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
I am not suggesting sympathy, I have just been on this forum for quite a while now and am slowly getting sick of threads which allow people to vent some unknown spleen of hatred towards people who damage themselves and who have had absolutely no effect on the people who posts lives whatsoever. The posts are always full of one sided, not thought through arguments with no attempt to empathise whatsoever and it always just seems like they are an open way for people to pour some derision onto another human being (that they don't even know) and to feel a bit high and mighty if only for a few moments.

Funnily enough those kinds of threads seem to attract the bleeding-heart liberal types too - who go to lengths to try and "empathise" with someone (that they don't even know) and slate those of us who don't to feel a bit high and mighty if only for a few moments.

The same people are the ones who automatically attack this kind of thread with an argument that the person "obviously" must have some kind of mental issue - despite being unqualified to make that assessment and despite there usually being no current evidence of such being published.
18 Oct 2002
Greater Manchester
Funnily enough those kinds of threads seem to attract the bleeding-heart liberal types too - who go to lengths to try and "empathise" with someone (that they don't even know) and slate those of us who don't to feel a bit high and mighty if only for a few moments.

The same people are the ones who automatically attack this kind of thread with an argument that the person "obviously" must have some kind of mental issue - despite being unqualified to make that assessment and despite there usually being no current evidence of such being published.

I wonder, are you fat yourself? Do you or have you ever had a weight problem, are any members of your family or perhaps a close friend fat?

I don't claim to be an expert, but I do have a fair few friends in the medical profession who strongly believe the chemical causes of depression are very strongly linked to the mechanism that causes these people to eat as they do, as well as having my own personal demons when it comes to food. I am able to keep it in check through frankly vast amounts of exercise and will-power. But I wonder, have you ever sat there and been so consumed by your thoughts telling you to eat something even though you know you shouldn't and certainly don't need to? i can tell you that I have and do. It isn't pleasant.

I can also tell you that, while in my current situation I am strong willed enough to cope, should something happen to devastate my psyche, I'm not as sure that would be the case.

Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you like. If that's the description of somebody who rather than automatically hating somebody about who I have only ever read a small article in the toilet paper known as the Sun, tries to weigh an argument and to fathom her reasons, then fine, I'd rather be that than the alternative.
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