Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

18 Oct 2002
I wonder how many heroin users die everyday from their addiction, yet they don't get any attention from The Sun. Everyone likes to poke fun at a fatty!
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
I wonder, are you fat yourself? Do you or have you ever had a weight problem, are any members of your family or perhaps a close friend fat?

I have a little bit of a belly, my wife has more of one (I have a typical middle-age wide waist). This is down to me liking good food and hating exercise. However I know that I can deal with this quickly and effectively by eating less and moving more - and I often do. If it ever becomes a health issue I will deal with it myself.

I don't claim to be an expert, but I do have a fair few friends in the medical profession who strongly believe the chemical causes of depression are very strongly linked to the mechanism that causes these people to eat as they do,

I've suffered from depression in the past (the "proper" kind - not just the "Oh I feel sad" brigade) as have several members of my family and my wife. The one thing we all have in common is depression is an appetite killer. I accept this isn't necessarily the case for all people. We have all dealt with our depression and moved on - although once you've been a depressive there is always the risk it will come back, so I am always looking out for the signs.

Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you like. If that's the description of somebody who rather than automatically hating somebody about who I have only ever read a small article in the toilet paper known as the Sun, tries to weigh an argument and to fathom her reasons, then fine, I'd rather be that than the alternative.

I don't "hate" the woman, hell I don't know her. I do strongly dislike those who get themselves in a terrible situation and despite the best help being given them do nothing themselves to make their situation better and indeed go as far as to blame others for their problem. This woman clearly refused to accept responsibility for her condition and expected doctors to "fix" her through medicine.

I find the phrase "she deserved it" an odd phrase at the best of times, as it rarely seems to fit. In this case it fits very well.

She was an idiot and suffered the inevitable consequences - just like every other addict out there who refuses to help themselves, won't take responsibility for their situation and instead expects medicine or other people to fix the problem for them.
17 Jan 2006
At least there's room in the hospital for someone more deserving now.

Or perhaps 2 more people. :D

Seriously though something should be done to the people who kept bringing her the food. Surely they knew it would not end happily.

Quite nice in the wedding photo though.

the hospital ended up taking the batteries out of her electric wheel chair to stop her from going down to the village cake shop

Should not laugh but I did at this - sorry !
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25 Jan 2009
Shame really... She was quite an attractive woman, I personally find being obese immoral so I'd never let any of my family member go completely obese.

edit: Or even get close to being obese :p
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5 Jul 2006
I can understand why people feel hatred towards her. Her actions were simply retarded and we all like to see a bit of "karma".

I'd probably say a lot of deaths even people you know are similarly retarded. Suicides, drink driving accidents, old people smoking, druggies.

Nicky Sixx from the Motely Crue OD'd on heroin twice in one day essentially dying and having to be defibrillated twice, hence the song kick start my heart.

Whats the difference between him and her? Both are retarded but because he's Nicky Sixx the event becomes part of his legend and people are impressed.

The truth: most people like good looking people and hate fat people. Yet these same people don't want to be judged in the same manner.

When people see her they don't see a fellow person suffering on the inside. They see a stupid fat pig who did us all a favour by killing herself. Her vice was gluttony whats yours?
18 Mar 2008
To be honest, her family will now be feeling very guilty. And extremely stupid. I mean WTF?!?!?!?!

They could have brought any food for her: bread, salad, fruit. But why kfc? She's not black (some stereotypes are true, I've seen it with my own eyes :p)

But seriously, why would they do this? It's too funny. I blame them more than I blame her.
18 Mar 2008
She killed herself. Family didn't force that food down her throat. She is ultimately responsible for her actions.

Initially yes. But it's like having a drug problem. If she had been a heroin addict, would it be her fault that her family was sneaking in heroin needles at her request? I would say not, she clearly has an addiction, so she would always want food. She was in hospital getting treatment for her problem, and her family could have helped by not sneaking in fast food for her. It's their fault to be honest.
4 Jan 2005
She killed herself. Family didn't force that food down her throat. She is ultimately responsible for her actions.

Her family knew very well what the consequences would be. They could have said 'no, it will kill you' but buckled instead. They cannot be absolved of any blame at all... I should add the lady was actively seeking treatment for her food addiction so in a way it really wasn't her fault she wanted the food, and it's the family's fault for failing both the hospital's request and the lady herself.
10 Dec 2008
This thread is chocka-full of people that do not truly understand mental illness.

Tell me, if a girl with severe depression slit her wrists, would that be just as hilarious?

When a bulemic girl finally dies, is that 'natural selection at its finest', and 'Hahaha stupid bint did it to herself'?

A lot of people find it hard to deal with mental illness as it is hard to quantify - the one thing most people rely on is having a fully working brain, and they can't stand to even think about that part of anyones body being broken. Someone who gets stabbed in the stomach and almost dies - ok - we can understand that and empathise. Someone who falls, then has bleeding of the brain, slowely gets brain damage MAKING them aggressive then out-of-character throws themselves off a bridge .. 'thats their own stupid fault hahahaha Darwin death makes me chuckle'.

Fundermentally the crux of the problem is we find mental illness so unpaletable, so horrible to think about having ourselves, its easier if we just mock the people than even attempt to empathise.
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29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
This thread is chocka-full of people that do not truly understand mental illness.

She wasn't diagnosed as being mentally ill. She was diagnosed as being fat.

EDIT: She was fitted with a gastric band, which in this country you have to pass several criteria to be given including:

"You don't have any medical or psychological reasons for not carrying out the procedure."

If she was diagnosed as mentally ill she would not have received the band.
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10 Dec 2008
She wasn't diagnosed as being mentally ill. She was diagnosed as being fat.

The very fact she ate herself to death makes her mentally ill. As mentally sound people do not do that.

Peoples acts 99% of the time are what causes mental illness diagnoses. People are never diagnosed with Alzeimers until they start forgetting stuff. People ANSWER A QUESTIONNAIRE to see if they are suffering from depression or not. Full stop no more diagnoses done, not blood tests/urine tests -- JUST the questionnaire.
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
People ANSWER A QUESTIONNAIRE to see if they are suffering from depression or not. Full stop no more diagnoses done, not blood tests/urine tests -- JUST the questionnaire.

Funny that, because none of my family (myself included) who have been diagnosed with depression filled in questionnaires... It was always several indepth conversation with our GPs before we were diagnosed and treated.
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