Favourite PC Game of All Time!!

I would have said F3, but the PC version was so buggy and unstable I took the hit on graphics and bought it for the 360. So much more enjoyable being able to play without random c2ds, stuttering, hanging, sound drop outs etc.. Only thing is I fought against them for so long I practically completed the game before it drove me to insanity.

Oh well, at least I get to play through it all again as an evil reaver on the 'box. :)

I played it completley vanilla. Installed, no patches, and away I went. I went through it all fine. Sadly I had to patch it when I got the GoTY edition and this meant it introduced the slow VATs syndrome - still it's not unplayable and still damn good fun!

For multiplayer it has to be Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. Probably Novalogic's best game. All the other games they released after it such as Joint Ops and Delta Force Xtreme were a bunch of pants. Although I did have fun with GTA3 on PC as well, tough choice. :)
Mohaa, single player and multi were both fantastic, i lost a lot of time to mohaa playing online.
At the time it would be Asherons Call. Now... hmm... well... that's a hard one. The most time I've spent on a game in the last two years is with Fallout 3 - so that's my favourite 'modern' game I'd say.


Asherons Call All time best. played for like 5-6 years! started about 12 months ago but couldnt get magic back but best time in gaming on that.

Now I owuld have to say FiFa games get most my attention
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