Favourite PC Game of All Time!!

The first playthrough of HL2 was just so superior to anything else it has to be my number one. Other game worth mentioning is World of Warcraft - it was the first game in 15 years (at the time of it's release) to draw me into it's world so deep I literally went snowblind (in Finland during winter) when few days later I finally left my room and went out. Two days before it's release I had literally never heard of the game but for some reason decided to pre-order it.. big mistake and I'm still paying for it.
Half-Life, great game in itself but also brought with it a huge number of incredibly high quality free mods.

Counter Strike
Team Fortress Classic
Day of Defeat
Natural Selection
Sven coop

if you liked any of those, Half-Life was responsible for their existence. Go on, admit i'm right.
Heh, I'm surprised nobody has replied with the Kanye meme to this thread. :p

For me, the one I have spent most time playing is Jedi academy, first with ja+ mod, then with MBII (which is a great mod).

Other mentions:
Half life story is very good.
KotOR 1. 2 is ok, but the story in 1 is fantastic.
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