FIA confirm Michael Masi removed as race director

Do you think any of the teams would have agreed to a scenario where only some of the cars get to unlap themselves for the sole benefit of only one driver to challenge for a position/the win?

Absolutely ****** not is the answer...

It's obviously an absurd rule because it means some competitors get a whole laps advantage against who they were racing against! It cannot be emphasised enough, just how stupid what Masi did was.
It doesn't matter, the agreement was in place and clearly Masi only attempted to keep to that. I think it was a wonderful end to the season as Max deservedly, as it would have been if Lewis had, won the WC.

What is badly wrong though is the amount of vitiol withIn this forum and elsewhere towards the poor man, who was only doing the job the FIA set him up to do and had done a good one throughout his time as race director. He was the only individual, who when selected, had the credentials and experience to replace Charlie.

One wonders, if it had been the other way around, would there be the the amount of rubbish and wrongful and outrageous attacks upon this man as there is now.
I very much doubt it and I feel for Masi...
One wonders, if it had been the other way around, would there be the the amount of rubbish and wrongful and outrageous attacks upon this man as there is now.
I very much doubt it and I feel for Masi...
Of course there would, have you seen some of the really horrible, nastiness that's come out of the Max fans this year? If anything, I think it would be worse, they seem to model themselves on the Verstappen family and we all know what Jos is like.
It doesn't matter, ,

What do you mean "it doesn't matter"?

That's an awful argument. The agreement would not have been to prevent a race ending under the safety car, no matter what preposterous rules or directions Masi had to implement.

Only letting some cars unlap themselves is absolutely ridiculous and horrendously unfair to those not allowed to unlap themselves, or those still stuck behind lapped cars.
Yeah see that's my problem. As a poster said above there was so much else wrong with the season. As far as I'm concerned Max's driving was atrocious and he should have been penalised much harsher for at least 3-4 incidents. Even the fact Hamilton got penalised for Silverstone was a joke, Max turned right into him after Lewis was ahead and had the corner.

I'll fully admit I'm blinded by my dislike of Max but I think he's an arrogant, dangerous driver and the officials last year let him get away with murder. Therefore I can't see how he could deserve the title. Masi didn't just fudge the last race, he fudged loads of decisions that went in Max's favour.

IMO probably doing what Toto said and discounting the last lap (or whatever it was) would be fairer.

Max definitely should have been disqualified or at least penalised much more for Dubai.

That still pales in comparison to what happened on the last lap of the season. Making up rules to artificially affect the title race, at the expense of loads of other competitors is unforgivable.
It doesn't matter, the agreement was in place and clearly Masi only attempted to keep to that. I think it was a wonderful end to the season as Max deservedly, as it would have been if Lewis had, won the WC.

What is badly wrong though is the amount of vitiol withIn this forum and elsewhere towards the poor man, who was only doing the job the FIA set him up to do and had done a good one throughout his time as race director. He was the only individual, who when selected, had the credentials and experience to replace Charlie.

One wonders, if it had been the other way around, would there be the the amount of rubbish and wrongful and outrageous attacks upon this man as there is now.
I very much doubt it and I feel for Masi...

What a load of complete ********

You really honestly think, that if Masi had radioed through to all teams to say.

"ok you all want the race to finish under green, the way i will do that is to only let a few cars through, so only 1st and 2nd will be clear to race properly, everyone after will not be able to compete fairly for your positions, with a possibility of getting to the podium, as the rest of the lapped cars will be in the way of any fair competition for positions and points.

Are you all happy with that? "

None of the teams except Red Bull would be happy with that.

THE ONLY reason the teams asked that races finish under green, is SO ALL TEAMS get to race fairly and properly, for positions and points.

No one wanted an unfair, uncompetitive, rigged finish.
What a load of complete ********

You really honestly think, that if Masi had radioed through to all teams to say.

"ok you all want the race to finish under green, the way i will do that is to only let a few cars through, so only 1st and 2nd will be clear to race properly, everyone after will not be able to compete fairly for your positions, with a possibility of getting to the podium, as the rest of the lapped cars will be in the way of any fair competition for positions and points.

Are you all happy with that? "

None of the teams except Red Bull would be happy with that.

THE ONLY reason the teams asked that races finish under green, is SO ALL TEAMS get to race fairly and properly, for positions and points.

No one wanted an unfair, uncompetitive, rigged finish.


It kind of amuses me that people think they can have a differing/contrary opinion on what happened in Abu Dhabi. They can't. It was simply ridiculous and wrong, and any argument made otherwise just comes across as rather stupid.

There doesn't always have to be two sides to anything. There isn't in this case.

He either let them all unlap and finish the race under the safety car, or none of them unlap to keep a level playing field for all competitors. There was no fair third option.
It doesn't matter, the agreement was in place and clearly Masi only attempted to keep to that. I think it was a wonderful end to the season as Max deservedly, as it would have been if Lewis had, won the WC.

There was never an agreement for Masi to break the rules. Don't be soft. Overall, I think Max did enough to be a worthy winner, and he didn't nothing wrong in racing to the opportunities granted him. I don't begrudge him his championship.

What is badly wrong though is the amount of vitiol withIn this forum and elsewhere towards the poor man, who was only doing the job the FIA set him up to do and had done a good one throughout his time as race director. He was the only individual, who when selected, had the credentials and experience to replace Charlie.

I agree the level of vitriol has been unacceptable. Not so much here, but definitely elsewhere. That seems, unfortunately, to be the new normal and I don't know what is to be done about it. That said, criticising high profile individuals who fail in their roles is legitimate. And Masi did, and has. I don't agree he's been a good race director through his time, I think he's been pretty poor. The track limits farce and several dubious safety call being the most obvious. Abu Dhabi was were he stepped from doing poorly to making an unforgivable mistake.

One wonders, if it had been the other way around, would there be the the amount of rubbish and wrongful and outrageous attacks upon this man as there is now.
I very much doubt it and I feel for Masi...

You think Max fans would be less vitriolic? You're having a bath, mate.
Just as an aside, imagine if they annulled the last race and Max won the championship on race win countback. With one of those "races" being Spa :cry:. The controversy just wouldn't end.
I can't understand why people would still argue over this, this is as much of an overt admission of guilt you can get. We all wish it hadn't happened but it did, no going back. The new Merc looks good, Lewis will be pumping. It's going to take something extraordinary for him not to win it this season.

The only way a Max and redbull could have come out of this well is if they showed some humility but they've got no class.
One wonders, if it had been the other way around, would there be the the amount of rubbish and wrongful and outrageous attacks upon this man as there is now.
I very much doubt it and I feel for Masi...
You mean the fans that support an entitled, arrogant, violent young man that bases his outlook on his father's doing? His father who was previously given a 5 year suspended jail sentence for assault, who was charged and given a suspended sentence for assaulting his wife, and finally in 2011 the man who was arrested for attempted murder on his then-girlfriend. Yeah, Max fans would be absolutely fine :rolleyes:
I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't been allowed to unlap. fairly certain most of the teams would have been yelling to their drivers to get out of the way as quickly as possible so as not to affect the championship. But can you imagine the vitriol if one of the lapped drivers din't get out of the way and seemed to hold max up. That would have been a whole other kind of fight
I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't been allowed to unlap.

Max would have got past them pretty quickly and would have set off after Lewis with about half a lap to go. I don't know whether he'd have got past or not but either way, I'd have been satisfied with the result because it would have been consistent with the rules.
Glad Masi's gone, however I have some concerns over the new race directors.

Firstly, Niels Wittich was in charge of the absolute **** show at the last round of DTM, so that really doesn't bode too well. Secondly, having two separate race directors is just asking for inconsistency between races.

Freitas I do rate highly, though. His stewardship of the WEC has been excellent for many years.

Well we already had inconsistency.
Max would have got past them pretty quickly and would have set off after Lewis with about half a lap to go. I don't know whether he'd have got past or not but either way, I'd have been satisfied with the result because it would have been consistent with the rules.

I'm not sure it would have been, but it wouldn't have been completely ad-libbing some rules for the lols in such an unbalanced and unfair way. I'd have been okay with it, I think.
I'm not sure it would have been, but it wouldn't have been completely ad-libbing some rules for the lols in such an unbalanced and unfair way. I'd have been okay with it, I think.
If the rules had been applied correctly, 0 cars would have overtaken Lewis because it would have finished under the safety car.

Not only did Masi allow some cars to unlap but he also brought the SC in on the same lap. Had Masi actually followed the rules, the SC should have completed 1 more lap after the cars had unlapped themselves.

I wonder what his new position is....
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