Fiesta ST's... whats to know?

have to agree with MrLOL here

this thread has turned into a total off topic ST/182 debate.

not what the op asked for at all now really was it?

The OP has had loads of information and discussion about ST's, we are still talking about cars. It might not still be exactly what he wants but we are not here as an unpaid service to the OP, we are here to chat about cars which is exactly what we are doing.
Well the OP did post:

Don't need any "get a 182" comments, I know they're faster, I purely want to find out about Fiesta ST's :)

Thanks chaps and chapesses.

I'm all in favour of a good debate, I did get fed up of the constant buy a 182 its faster lol comments. The OP wanted to hear about the car specifically, theres a massive great 172/182 if the OP wanted to garner any sort of opinion on one. I think we all know the RS Clios are faster.
Refreshing isn't modifying. Bushes cost peanuts anywya.

Superflex kit circa £350 inc arbs.
Honda oem is much more as some only come in the housings/arms.
Hardrace kit is about £250 excl arbs.
Ontop of the above kits x2 Honda Rta bushes are £50 and required.

For labour allow £500-1000, which will vary depending what shears and where.

Hardly peanuts.

Anyhow would love to be driven in an st to see what they can do especially when modified. Still lack LSD Hax though ;)
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My car was off the road for about 3months.

Plus not many people have access to the tools (/lots of time), knowledge or a place to keep the car off the road for soo long if they actually need to use it.

The labour charges are what I discussed with Tom @ TGM who is a god amongst integra mechanics fyi and even he has broken plenty that just won't come off. There are a large number of captive nuts hidden in the chassis and the rear toe nuts are sliding square ones clamped inside the chassis.

I had a few moments but also used time, lots of Plus Gas + more time and a lot of skill/luck to make sure nothing broke. I'm an unusual case as pretty much everyone breaks some nuts/bolts when doing this, even the professionals.

Taking just the parts cost silly, either you cost yourself a significant amount of time to make savings or you stump up the wedge to do it properly.
I'm well versed in the action of unlikely bolts to undo - that used to be my job working on doors as old as 60 years old :) But I've done enough reading on rebushing the DC2 to know what is involved - you'll notice the interest I took in your thread over on itr-dc2.

For something like that, the parts cost is all I look at, because 95% of the time I do the work myself. You say not many people have access to tools/knowledge/space but we are not discussing many people, but rather me :P

By your standards, I'd have looked at my snapped spring and thought - "oh that's £150-180 worth", or looked at the headgasket on the Strada and thought "oh, that's £500 worth" ;)
Epic thread :D As expected lol

Think on the Fiesta score I have plenty of info, thanks to those who threw the details my way.

As for the rest of you! You should be ashamed! This is still rather too tame :p
Reason I brought the clio was mainly due to always having this horrible feeling I'd be in an st and a clio 172/182 would pull up next to me at the lights! You'd always feel small and useless. :(
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