***FIFA 10 PS3 Tournament***

Ah right was gonna suggest a Barnsley Vs. Leeds but I'd get easily done over (Probably will with any team anyway :p) if I progressed.

Can I be international? If so I pick Brazil! It's just like watching them down at Oakwell you know :D
haha think that was on 08/09 on 360? Has been a while.

I'm going out tonight about 7 so unless it's before that we'll have to play over the weekend if that's alright with you.
Skip - do me a favour - get the names of the teams everyone is playing before the first round ends...

@tsinc80697 - Im up for my match this weekend - away on Friday and got Club tomorrow - just add me to PSN

ps3ud0 :cool:

weekends good! I'll add you when im on PS3 next :)

Drop me a message on PSN when you guys get your game done. :D
Surfer 0 - 1 skippi90

probably fair result but it was tight.

Skippi90 3 - 0 Surfer

Much laggier :( Couldnt win any 50/50s and when i did win a tackle your player who loses the ball somehow recovers and gets the ball back quicker lol.

I created hardly any openings anyway. And let myself get pulled out of position all over the place.

I was spain as well lol.... in ranked practices they did good for me! Your defence was very good i thougt
skippi90 1 - 0 Surfer
Surfer 0 - 3 skippi90

Good games. I held back as much as possible to counter my sloppy defending which seemed to work quite well. HTK unlucky not to score a few times though and was bossed by Rooney which didn't seem fair at times. The defender would look in full control and then suddenly Rooney had the ball.

Will update the tournament table ASAP. Don't have my main PC atm as I need a new ethernet cable so all browsing being done on PS3. Painful. :p
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