The market crash doesn’t really affect the top, top players. It’s the vardys, martial, son etc. That will plummet as packs get opened.
Neymar and Mbappe in. Decided I've done well with trading this year and I'm going to ride out black Friday if it performs well. Once black Friday is done we should see a rise.
I’ve got a load of Lemina and Leno but I am planning to sell on hype. When are the nominations announced?

By top players I mean the 400k plus crew. I’ve seen graph comparisons of last year over the period of November and the big boys just don’t drop by that much.
Yeah, not enough of the big boys are packed even during promos for it to affect their pricing too much, they'll drop a bit whilst 100k packs are live and people undercut for a quick sale during that period, but it doesn't last long.
I’ve got five October swap deals players. Do I have to use them in October or can I keep them for the November SBC’s?

are they not called October players for a reason?

I had 8 and took the mega pack which is a crap reward. I got nothing. Maybe 5K worth of stuff. Should have took 2 players and a crap pack instead.
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