Great team @chroniclard How'sJesus as cam?

I caved in and did prime Costa SBC :p have moved away from narrow formations and been using 451 all day yesterday and find it very solid so far. Also found 4222 counters 4231 sweaters quite well just in case anyone finds it hard to break it down.
I just went 3-0 up against somebody and they quit and sent me a message saying "reported" so I asked what for and its because my gamertag is mean lol. Fifaizpooplolz isn't mean.... Its a fact!
I’ve sold up all my decent players for TOTY. Taken it as a chance to play around with formations - 3 at the back isn’t any good this year :p

442 is still the best formation for me overall.
Decided to do some squad battles this evening and the amount BS is atrocious compared to rivals/WL.

Playing legendary difficulty is so frustrating when every shot they take is an unstoppable bullet even at a stand still. Also just conceded 3 volleys from Futmas zaha from crosses. GG :o
Won enough for auto qualification and a player pick. Had a massive rage sell and 3 formation changes throughout the day, ended up 442.

Lost to some truly **** players today how I didn’t smash the controller I will never know. 20 odd shots on target and they have 2 and I lose 1-0 in 92nd minute!
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