Trying this out. :) Anyone think Salah or Bale would be better than POTM Lucas? Got about 450k to spend to replace Lucas.

As you can fit anyone you like at RW, I'd go for any version of Mbappe. SIF Mahrez is good too.

I never find Salah that good, he's not bad, just nothing special. Lucas is actually decent despite being an old POTM.
Yeah Lucas actually has more stats than both SIF Salah and MBappe. Never considered Mbappe, checking now. :)

I'd be tempted to get rid of Douglas Costa too, don't think he's that great, but I haven't tried him myself.

I was thinking of selling 87 Anderson but he should get an upgrade hmm

It's not confirmed as the winter upgrade, but that's what people are assuming due to the graphic thing.
I’ll give some props to EA for FB Ibra, he’s actually made the game fun again for at least a short while. I think I’ll grind for prime Best and put baby Nedved on the left so I can play him full chem.

Gone 4321 for now with Alessandrini and he feels a lot better on 10 chemistry than he does subbed on with 5. Only issue is I’m now subbing Mbappe on with 5.

RTTF Kondogbia any good? Looking at a CM pairing with Pogba in 433-4 as Prime Keane is at bit beyond each, hmm..

He’s good but not sure he’s worth 500k, his UCL blue card still does the business for me.
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