After all my fuss of going for Keane I'm feeling tempted to look at Kante instead now, not sure how Kante compares to Futmas Matuidi?

Futmas Matuidi looks pretty good, not sure Kante(normal card) is anything other than a side grade. Only issue with Kante is he isn't really winning many 50/50 headers. He is a terrier though and runs all game.
left footed and 2 star weak foot is matuidis weak point. you can't pass at all using his right foot.

Left footed isn't really a weakness per say, I think everyone knows their players strong feet and if I play him LCM he'll be fine playing balls into the middle & dispatching to the left sided players, that said, when I've used his Futmas card in the past he's never really been awful at passing with either foot, the REAL annoyance is that he's always "that player" that just turns up in the box at a shooting opputunity, despite telling him to stay back!
Left footed isn't really a weakness per say, I think everyone knows their players strong feet and if I play him LCM he'll be fine playing balls into the middle & dispatching to the left sided players, that said, when I've used his Futmas card in the past he's never really been awful at passing with either foot, the REAL annoyance is that he's always "that player" that just turns up in the box at a shooting opputunity, despite telling him to stay back!

Just get the TOTY Kante, decent shooting then. :p
Left footed isn't really a weakness per say, I think everyone knows their players strong feet and if I play him LCM he'll be fine playing balls into the middle & dispatching to the left sided players, that said, when I've used his Futmas card in the past he's never really been awful at passing with either foot, the REAL annoyance is that he's always "that player" that just turns up in the box at a shooting opputunity, despite telling him to stay back!

i naturally favour the right and tend to attack down that side. so i prefer all my players to be right footed bar the left back and the left winger for crossing.

i never get on with left footed players for that reason. i used him for a good while too. he's great i wish i had the futmas version as he has much better passing stats (+2 overall iirc) which would help. it's why i don't like chiellini too.
Just get the TOTY Kante, decent shooting then. :p

Hang on, just let me find that 3 mil!

i naturally favour the right and tend to attack down that side. so i prefer all my players to be right footed bar the left back and the left winger for crossing.

i never get on with left footed players for that reason. i used him for a good while too. he's great i wish i had the futmas version as he has much better passing stats (+2 overall iirc) which would help. it's why i don't like chiellini too.

Fair enough, I don't really have a preference for attacking sides, I do enjoy the FUTMAS card, but I think Keane edges it just in the fact that he tries to kill anyone that comes near him (With or without the ball) Would love to try Prime Veron still, but I think after all this time he'll be a letdown and he's more a supporting mid than a pure CDM.

Chiellini was a bit clunky, as silly as it sounds he seemed to pass more accurately coming out of stepovers, or using the "fancy pass" modifier, Ramos has been great though, Campbell is solid but a bit clumsy, but coldn't justify dropping him for anyone short of a better icon.
I'm using POTM Van Dijk and IF Militao at CBs , if anyones after a cheap CB Militao is superb, i'd say on the ground better than Van Dijk . Only bettered by Van Dijks ability in the air.
Militao just seems to intercept everything and can't be outrun by most attackers on the game.
I'm using POTM Van Dijk and IF Militao at CBs , if anyones after a cheap CB Militao is superb, i'd say on the ground better than Van Dijk . Only bettered by Van Dijks ability in the air.
Militao just seems to intercept everything and can't be outrun by most attackers on the game.

I would ideally liked to try these 2 cb as mentioned above but as I have untradable Thiago Silva and Danny alves i think I’m always stuck to them as I feel I’ve lost coins/money if I’m not useing untradables
I'm using POTM Van Dijk and IF Militao at CBs , if anyones after a cheap CB Militao is superb, i'd say on the ground better than Van Dijk . Only bettered by Van Dijks ability in the air.
Militao just seems to intercept everything and can't be outrun by most attackers on the game.

i wasn't planning on using him until i decided to do flash casillas. he's perfect link to him so gets him to 10 chem.

i think i posted my team yesterday with him in it.

------ Flash Ibra
87 Anderson - Allesandrini

UCL Allan - 87 Fabinho - Dembele

87 Luiz - IF Militao - Sanchez - 87 Aurier

-------- Fash Casillas

thinking of going for SBC Dembele if i get enough cards for 14 it means i cannot miss one and i don't think i have yet
OK, this game is starting to wind me up.

Since getting this game, i've noticed this happening a fair bit, but this week has been ridiculous, and i wanted to know if anyone else had experienced it.

I was just losing a game 3-0, and in the 2nd half, managed to grab a couple of goals, making it 3-2. The connection had been fine the whole game, no lagging at all. I was all over my opponent in the 2nd half, and immediately after scoring my 2nd goal in the 70th minute, the game started to lag, heavily. I can handle some lag, but this was ridiculous, almost moving at 1 frame every 3 seconds. Eventually the game bombed out with the message connection has been lost.

I must have had this at least 5 times this week, whereby the game shows no lag at all when im losing, but when i come back, and look like winning the game, conveniently it'll lag to hell, making it unplayable.

I'm sure some players have downloads queued up, then once the game starts to turn in their opponents favour, they then start downloading updates, turning the connection to ****.
OK, this game is starting to wind me up.

Since getting this game, i've noticed this happening a fair bit, but this week has been ridiculous, and i wanted to know if anyone else had experienced it.

I was just losing a game 3-0, and in the 2nd half, managed to grab a couple of goals, making it 3-2. The connection had been fine the whole game, no lagging at all. I was all over my opponent in the 2nd half, and immediately after scoring my 2nd goal in the 70th minute, the game started to lag, heavily. I can handle some lag, but this was ridiculous, almost moving at 1 frame every 3 seconds. Eventually the game bombed out with the message connection has been lost.

I must have had this at least 5 times this week, whereby the game shows no lag at all when im losing, but when i come back, and look like winning the game, conveniently it'll lag to hell, making it unplayable.

I'm sure some players have downloads queued up, then once the game starts to turn in their opponents favour, they then start downloading updates, turning the connection to ****.

that isn't how it works. they would need an ip sniffer on their connection. find out your IP then DDOS you.

it's something people are willing to do but a decent router with decent security should help.

if they bombarded their own connection then it would be them that gets the loss for disconnecting so both of you get the loss.

also when you are losing 3-0 and make a come back. it's not because you are good at the game. it's the games mechanics making your players play better and the opposing team play worse. it's called "rubber banding" and has been in fifa for ages and in other EA games like need for speed.
What teams everyone rocking for the WL? This'll be my first in 3? weeks so aiming high for G1 :D

Going 4231/4222, would love FB Robben to replace Gnabry but then 2 left footers with 2* WF may not work so well :D
Got Ruffier in my player pick, from silver 1 - stopped at 12 wins as I really didn’t fancy pushing for more, don’t know how you guys do it every weekend
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