Sterling is tempting but playing a narrow formation now I don't think he'd be as useful than in a 433 or 4231.
Ahh this is nice, went away for a few days last week, came back had a few games friday, few games saturday, really not feeling any desire to play Fifa, i like it!
That has nothing to do with it, that actually made me want to play for some sick reason!
Its a very good card, but it doesn't fit the competitive meta imo.
3* WF, small and can't head the ball for ****. Could be fun, but if you're looking to build 'the best' team as opposed to just a fun team it doesn't fit for me.
I didn't say he was better, he's similar, but CR7 is CR7, he pops up in all the right places and wins everything
I just tried NIF CR7 in place of Zlatan and in honesty, while he's slightly more mobile, he's no more effective really.
Had a few beers after work, feel like I've been awful tonight but 11-0, seems they're pulling the servers down in a bit though.
Hope we get an extension, getting another 19 games in with the Mrs around will be impossible.
So what? Go and nick the ball and make them pay for it!
I'm also doing the Prime, using SBC cards etc. Hoping to get him and have around 2m left for a CR7/TOTY KDB or whatever TOTS come out.